Monday, August 29, 2011

America gets it done

Well here is the deal my survey buddies, if kim jung ill is acting like he has been we should do something about it. We wait this thing out and it can become a serious problem. First, were allies with the South Koreans, and they need to be assisted by us with this problem. We cant have one crazy dude running around saying he is going to bomb everybody then we need to go to war with these people. Some people say americas government is corrupt and it is, but North Koreas government is crazy and that is a lot worse. We need to bust into North korea before they set the bombs off and we need to lite them up on are ground game before those lunatics get there finger on button to blow up the bombs. We need to bring the South Koreans with us so the can save the innocent people while we go black opps on kim and his army. Once we are done, if anybody has a problem we will handle them to and prove to the world that America wants world piece and were willing to get are hands dirty to do so.

1 comment:

Aly Glover said...

You make a good point but at the same time, don't you think we have enough on our plate right now with the war in the middle east? I don't think the US should stick it's nose into anything else at the moment.