Monday, August 29, 2011

North Korea and Kim Jung Il

The best way for the United States to deal with North Korea and Kim Jung Il is to let them continue their isolation until all else fails. Clearly, we have had little success in the past and it appears like nothing is going to change anytime soon. North Korea is a desolate country with malnutrition and a possible crystal meth epidemic. However, so little is known about the country that we are not even positive whether or not these problems are real or just a facade. One cannot be obligated to help if there is no certain knowledge about the situation. Although our natural instinct is to help the innocent people of North Korea, it is almost impossible to help a country that is the "black hole of knowledge" and is also rejecting the potential for help and aid. The only way to truly solve the North Korea problem is to let it fizzle out. It is only natural that if conditions are as bad as they say then they will reach a point of desperation and slowly become more open for foreign assisstance.

1 comment:

Mrs. Corcoran said...

This is very well-written. Great ideas, Kira!