Monday, August 29, 2011

Independence Can Sometimes Be a Bad Thing

North Korea needs to stop focusing on being totally dependent on themselves and ask for some help. I'm sure that if they asked, they would receive it. We are not a world that will just let a country die if they ask for assistance. As far as dealing with North Korea goes, I think we should just leave them alone until things get too bad or until they ask for help, and it will probably be the second one, considering we get almost zero information from them. But I feel like if we just barged in and tried to assist them, they would get angry and things would escalate into another war, something no one wants.


kyle sanders said...

The North Koreans need to stop being so protective of themselves. They've been at war with the South for years and their country is slowly dieing. If they would just allow a little bit of assistance from someone, instead of keeping everything completely secret, maybe we could help get rid of some of their many problems. Now that Kim Jong-Il is slowly dieing, the country is sure to go under without him being the leader. The next leader, his son, is a military man and I don't feel he is fit to lead a country unless hes planning on going to war.

Patrick Witt said...

I have to agree with your statement in that it would be best for us to wait until North Korea reaches out and requests for assistance. However, the chance of that happening currently seem very slim. This is, of course, due to North Korea's ideaology of Juche. In layman's terms, they want no affiliation with any outside source. They simply want to prove that they are self-sufficient. The Koreas are similar to a Yin and Yang concept: 2 separate entities are, in actuality, one whole force.

Mrs. Corcoran said...

Great discussion, guys! Pat, I like that you cited Juche ideology as one of North Korea's biggest issues.