Monday, August 29, 2011

North Korea Response

I agree with many others who have posted: we need to leave North Korea alone until AT LEAST Kim Jong Il passes. His son might seem prepared and ready to lead the nation after Kim Jong Il dies, but he is built on military leadership, not dictating the innocent. He will lead the country either into poverty and need to ask for help, which is when we will come in, OR he will lead the country to war which they would not be prepared for. Like I said, there isn't a lot we can do safely until there is new leadership in power, because at this point it is painfully obvious that Kim Jong Il is not willing to change his ways.


Amy Bidstrup said...

Good point! I never really thought about leaving them alone and waiting until Kim Jung Il dies then we can come in and help when a new less experienced power comes in to take his place.

Kira H. said...

I understand your point in saying that we should wait until Kim Jun Il dies, but what then? His son will still hold complete control over a brain washed country that believes he was the "son of God." How would you expect us to enter into a country that intentionally resists our help and blames us for their economic and social issues? Even though Kim Jung Il may be dead(in your scenario), his legacy would still live on and the people would continue to believe in his ideas.

Jack Finis said...

WOODY! I love you man and love your music. Oh yeah the question.. anyways i totally agree! We should have nothing to do with them until Kim Jong Il dies. Yes they are a country but truly what more can anyone do? Up yours North Korea ! (as learned in the movie..)