Tuesday, August 30, 2011

There is definitely no easy way to go about trying to help/control North Korea. Because they hate Americans and still hold a grudge against us, we should try to stay out of the whole situation as much as possible. Kim Jung Il and his guards are much less likely to listen to anything Americans have to say than any other country. Though he probably wouldn't listen to anyone, we would be last on his list. I think the best thing to do is to keep helping the innocent North Koreans who are in need of medical help, along with better nutrition and education. We should attempt to help the people in need similar to the doctor who fixed the blind peoples' eyes with cataracts. If we can't control the North Korean government, why not help the people who are much less fortunate than us and "trapped" in awful living conditions? There's no point in the United States trying to overpower Kim Jung Il knowing that we are putting many innocent lives at risk with the fear of nuclear weapons. Also, we would potentially be digging ourselves into deeper financial debt by sending more troops over to monitor North Korea. Ultimately, we could aim for a compromise with Kim Jung Il to prevent nuclear weapons, but until then, we should be very careful with our actions.


Lizzie Kapinos said...

Kara I totally agree with you. We need to just stay out of their business. Even in the movie we watched, the North Koreans would just ignore anything the US said. I like your idea about going there and helping the people. If we go to North Korea more and more to "help" it will help us learn more about North Korea itself.

Katie Hughes said...

I also agree, if the government won't listen to us then we shouldn't try and force them, I believe this will just make things worse in regards to are relationship with them. You're totally right, we need to help the people and try to learn more about how they live, and what they are going through.