Sunday, March 18, 2012

Napoleon v. Good

I think what Napoleon did was worse than what Good did. Napoleon was basically using the Yanomami people are guinea pigs in an experiment. That shows he didn't have much respect for them and he stopped seeing them as people, which is so wrong. He also showed his lack of respect when he portrayed them as violent in the video. I mean if he knew that they were abusive to woman (like it said in the video) then to go ahead and give them weapons is not only wrong but so stupid, because who's to say they didn't use the weapons against their wives? What Good did was weird, but obviously it wasn't abnormal in the Yanomami culture because her brother set it up. He was basically giving them a blessing which was a big thing in their culture. It seems weird to us, and it definitely is but that doesn't make Good a bad person. He still loved and treated her respectfully, unlike Napoleon did to the Yanomami. He is still being a father to his children, even though like his wife did he could easily just come up with an excuse and leave. He's taking responsibility on his own and that says a lot about his strength and character.

1 comment:

Rob F said...

What Good did was bad. Marrying an 11 year old in Yanomamo culture may be okay, but he is from the US and the world which we live in. He knew exactly how Americans would think of him, but he did it anyways. After which, he brought her here. I don't know about most other American men, but I wouldn't marry an eleven year old.