Sunday, March 25, 2012


Ever since we are born we question where we come from and how it is possible of our decent. We question the balance of life in its most complex form only to realize we still don’t know all that there is. As a result we are inspired to continue our search for logical and correct answers. Scientists take years on years of pure research to find out a fraction of our evolution, but they still need more evidence to fully understand the evolution of the modern human, or us. After a given amount of time the scientist will release their information to the world for us to read and to comprehend. One of the many ways that happens is through school where by state law we are permitted to learn about evolution and all of its enriching evidence. Many people have though an issue with the idea of teaching evolution since it may come in the way of an eight letter word that has caused wars and constant feuds. That word is religion. See evolution has no spiritual involvement since science does not believe in a god, so the idea of ‘Intelligent Design’ has come into play and is being pushed into the learning environment. Intelligent design should not be taught in schools because it is very confusing, it shows little evidence of its ‘deity’, and it makes it difficult for teachers to help their students.

In a modern high school science class you would spend some time on the theory of evolution and move on since it only takes say, two weeks to really get the idea down. The reason Catholicism or Buddhism is not taught during this period is because neither of two ideas follow the laws of science. Because science includes such things as; facts, proof, tests, studies, and the list goes on and on. Religion has no place in science because it can not fit in this jigsaw puzzle. What intelligent design is the idea that evolution happened for humans, but since we are too complex there was at that point a higher power to help influence why for instance we have thumbs. It’s just the idea that we were too hard to be created by just some cells, there had to be something up there that gave us a push forward. Surprisingly religion easily will move away from science classes and such, but intelligent design seems to really want to be part of that education. And it causes problems.

The first problem of intelligent design is that it is not a science, ‘Surprisingly, President {George W.} Bush’s own official science advisor states [in August 2005] that “intelligent design is not a scientific concept’. Scientists and science educators universally agree that if something is not science, it definitely should not be taught in a high school science class.’ (Nelson). Intelligent design involves a ‘higher power’, that is religion last checked by, well anyone. It’s rather hard to prove a high power when there is no physical evidence of its own existence, which tends to be a problems when trying to prove a point. As stated in the quote scientists UNIVERSALLY( notice the uppercase letters) not accepted in the scientific community. That is almost the equivalence of saying universally North Korea is bad. It’s a hard argument to fight.

The next issue comes about when a teacher will actually try to teach a student this information. ‘How is a science teacher supposed to help students deal with the claim that any unexplained design-like features of the cell might be result of an incompetent, inconsistent and evil alien or fallen angle? (Teachers’ Dilemma). The guarantee would be this question, “What does this god or this higher power look like?” and your answer every time maybe not in these exact words will be, “Whatever you want it to be.” Science or at least educational science usually has a point proven to it so that it cannot be easily disproved. The idea that a teacher cannot fight back would usually relate to more philosophical topic, like English or Philosophy. Like said, ‘…for teachers and students would be with the nature of any intelligent designer.’ ( Teachers’ Dilemma). Another problem with teaching intelligent design is that; as soon as say a parent will hear there is a higher power involved there may be, or probably will be a lawsuit arguing if a child should learn about a higher power. Then why is Catholicism or Buddhism not involved?

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