Friday, February 24, 2012

Intelligent Design

Personally, I believe that intelligent design is not a science because it can not be proven and has not been proven. Intelligent design is simply plausable ideas about how we evolved and became the species we are today. I believe that all of the different theories should be taught in schools. Not just evolution or intelligent design, but creationism also, so that the students can develop and formulate their own opinions and beliefs on this topic.


Jake Hilderbrand said...

i agree with everything you said. it has not been proven and so it should not be considered a science.

Kirill said...

In a way i can agree with Paige because there is little proof if not any. It is still an idea which hasn't been verified, but at the same time it has not been denied. Therefore it is at a point where no one can really say if it is real or not. It is upon the student to believe it or not. So over all i think t still should be taught as long as the student have the freedom to choose what they believe in on the subject at hand. Anything can be taught its the people choice to believe it or not .

Rob F said...

I half agree, because it would make sense to hear all of the different ideas and then decide for yourself, but it could make for a very boring class. I also wouldn't say that intelligent design CANNOT be proven, we just haven't yet found a way to prove or disprove it.