Sunday, February 26, 2012

Intelligent Design

I think that Intelligent Design is not a science. It is an unproven hypothesis and because of that it shouldn't be taught in schools. Evoulution is a science and has facts to back it up and Intelligent Design doesn't. Also, Intelligent has to do with a higher figure which has to do with religion. Religion can't be taught in public schools.


Evan Wurtz said...

I completely agree. Intelligent design doesn't have enough evidence to be taught at schools. It will only break the barrier between public education and religion. Also, most science fields today use evolution in their work, not the intelligent design theory.

Will Lazzar said...

I agree. Intelligent design does not have evidence. If it is science then it needs evidence such as fossils. If intelligent design was acctually realy important then it would have already been taught in school. If people want to learn about it then they can research it.