Sunday, February 19, 2012

Significant Fossil Discovery
Scientists dated bones of Homo Sapiens found to about 194,000 years ago, much farther back than the previously found bones at 160,000 years. This means that Homo Sapiens were around for 30,000 more years than we originally thought. It also means that it took early modern humans much longer to start to build culture, since we think cultural things started appearing around 50,000 years ago. This is a significant discovery because we found that humans may have evolved into their present day form much earlier than we had originally thought.


Amy Bidstrup said...

I think that's really interesting. Maybe now that we know that humans dated back further than we originally thought, this can help us learn more about how we evolved from our earliest ancestors.

Ryan Woodman said...

This is pretty cool, if we find more information we might have to completely change the evolutionary chain.