Monday, March 5, 2012

American Culture

If I were to go through Fremd to discover what we value most in American culture, it would be easy. First I would say, without a doubt, that we are about electronics and fads. These may include anything from uggs to iPhones to even yoga pants. To add, we also seem we are more interested in our social lives than school at times. Fremd, in my mind, ilustrates our culture very well. No matter how we look at it, our culture is surrounded by trends.


nicki said...

i agree with you. everyone is worried about what others are doing or what they have or who they are talking to. trends is the way you are seen.

Janelle Schneider said...

i agree. the uggs, iphone, and yoga pants pretty much sum it up. as sad as that is, its true to what we value.

Kara Kirchner said...

I agree that teenagers are very up to date with the latest fads and fashions and are usually willing to spend a lot of money to follow these trends.

Jake Hilderbrand said...

yeah you are pretty much on point. fads are what almost everyone is interested in, that or new phones