Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Ken V. Napoleon

I think that Ken Good's crime against theYanomamo people was not as severe as Napoleon Chagnon. While Ken Good did something that may seem unethical to an American to the Yanomamo he was only doing what is acceptable in their culture. He at the same time helped the Yanomamo people by giving them supplies that they wanted, in order for them benefit in their enviorment. Napoleon did nothing to benefit the Yanomamo people. He gave them weapons, not so that he could help their culture, but so that he could advertise the Yanomamo as 'savage' people to the anthropological community. While I do not agree with either of their actions at least Ken Good did not harm their culture.

1 comment:

Miro Letic said...

I agree that ken did help the people. he gave them suppliues and did not force them to fight to the death. but he should not have married and eleven year old girl. even though he was asked to he should not have accepted the offer. Napoleon for sure did more damage than ken did.