Monday, March 12, 2012

Quarter 3, Week 7: Crimes Against the Yanomamo

Were Ken Good's actions amongst the Yanomamo "worse" than Napoleon Changnon's?  Explain your answer.


Rob F said...

I have no doubt that Changnon's actions against the Yanomamo were worse, but Good's actions were an embarrassment to American society. Changnon's actions killed several Yanomamo people. Good married a twelve year old, which is apropriate in Yanomamo culture, but is horrifying to the rest of us.

Patrick Norman said...

I would have to agree with Rob. Although both of the anthropologists are, at least to me, a disgrace to human society, they did do a lot of valid research. By introducing a Yanomamo woman into the American Culture, Good was able to open new doors in the anthropological world. Through Good, we were able to see how the Yanomamo were able to adjust to a whole new culture. However, just because he did research didn't mean that it was right. Changnon really didn't do much but disgrace the Yanomamo people because of what he did to the people. So yes, Good was the better of the two evils.