Tuesday, May 29, 2012


I think there is a time and place for deviance. I'm sure there are countless examples of when it's appropriate but I do not think it should be an everyday thing so something you should to just for fun. Being a deviant for survival purposes is okay. For example, when the residents of states hit by Katrina were looting to get supplies to survive, they were in the right. The government was supposed to take care of them and didn't so they had to find another way to survive. Another example is the civil rights leaders. People like Gandhi and Malcolm X had to go against their government to try and bring equality for their people.

Gender Norms

Gender norms play a bigger role in our society than most people think. Most boys are raised to be tough, play sports, and ignore their feelings. Most girls are raised to be prim and proper and realize males are superior to them. This has kept our society from growing into a more diverse culture. More people would be accepting of stay at home dads or girls who play football if we taught younger generations that you can do anything or be anything no matter what your gender is. Life is not gender specific so why should the things in it be?


I think my family has contributed the most to my socialization. Since day one they have opened my eyes to a variety of aspects of this world. I have traveled to many places which has introduced me many different lifestyles. I've seen poverty, millionaires, gay pride parades, homeless people, and so much more. My family is very open minded which has made me a very accepting person. A lot of this world is very judgmental only because they have never done something or been introduced to our diverse society so I thank my family for letting me see the world with all of its colors.

Monday, May 28, 2012

30 days

There were a lot of things that angered me about this episode. Most of the things were that the straight man did in reaction to the gay people he was surrounded by. I tried to remember that he felt like a total outsider, which he was, but it was obvious that he was over reacting in a lot of the situations. He showed a lot of growth though, which i guess is a positive through the whole thing.


I don't believe that people should ever deviate from the norm. The norm keeps us all from punching random people in the street and not wearing clothes to the beach in the US. These behaviors keep us from being a well functioning society and should not be tolerated. I like to think of deviance as cheese in a mouse trap, easy to get to but with terrible consequences.

Thursday, May 24, 2012


I think that deviance is not always bad. People standing up for their beliefs is deviant but not a bad thing. The deviance the MLK did was amazing. It changed the U.S. for the better. There is also deviance that is just stupid.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012


For the most part deviance is pretty unacceptable in society, but there are times when it can be a good thing.  For example, when everyone around you becomes mentally unstable due to brainwashing or any reason, it would be a good time to act defiantly towards them in order to set things straight.  It would be a bad thing if someone were to act defiantly for no reason just to cause chaos. Therefore, deviance is acceptable in extreme measures but usually shouldn't be brought out.


I do not think it is ever acceptable for people to behave deviantly. It is wrong to be deviant because it is detrimental to society as a whole. It can also have many negative effects on your own life such as addiction and loss of jobs. It would be better if people just behaved instead of dealing with the consequences.

Monday, May 21, 2012


I think that deviance can be okay. Sometimes to fix things or for cereten things to better you have to go against what socitiy thinks / says is okay. An  example would Martin Luthur King Jr. He fought for the freedom of blacks , which at the time was a devent thing to do. However if it wasn't for him and many othersgoing against the norms of socitity, then we as a whole wouldn't have the freedom that we do today.


I think showing deviant behavior is ok if it doesn't go too far. Showing deviance isn't really a problem unless you're doing something so bad that it's endangering yourself and others around you. I think it is ok for people to show deviant behavior when somebody makes a rule that is completely stupid and unncessesary. Obviously people are going to rebel against it because it's a rule that no one is going to or wants to follow.


Deviance, is okay to a certain extent, when things escalate that's when there is a problem. I believe that if it's for something you strongly believe in and you want to make some changes and stand up for it, you should go for it as long as things don't get to the next level. Without deviance society would be much different. Sometimes breaking rules is okay. Hurting people is not okay. 

Sunday, May 20, 2012


I think that the machugenga is the most like the american culture. They have pets like many american families do. Also their family structure is very similar to that of many american families. Furthermore, they have very equivalent social roles. Also they are the most friendly to the outside world.


I think that deviance is a good thing to have. Following social norms, and being afraid to show our originality and ideas will never lead to growth in ourselves and as a society. We move forward and evolve by finding the confidence to stand up for what is right. That is how a lot of history is made. On the other hand, being deviant all the time is not a good thing. There is nothing wrong with going against the norm, but there needs to be a reason for every action we take.


i think that its okay to be deviant in society when its for a good cause. Like during WWII many people acted deviantly against the nazi's and saved many jewish people lives. I think this is a perfect example of when its okay to act deviantly in society. But if you just want to do harm as a way to be deviant then thats not okay. It all really depends on the situation.
I belive that deviance is an important factor in every day life. Without deviance the world would all be run by a single person and no one would ever do anything. Ever since the beggining of time deviance has been necesary for society to progress. To get an idea of how a lack of deviance would effect the world, immagine if no one ever protested the idea of the world being flat or other simmaler ideas we would not be living in the modern world we live in today. Thanks to deviance change occures and we progress making our lives better and more efficient.
Deviance is acceptable when you are very passionate about something but only to a certain extent because deviant acts can escalate into a major problem quickly.  There are other ways to handle a situation other than using deviance.  Although there are certain exceptions in rare cases but most of the time deviant acts only cause problems that are totally avoidable. 


I guess deviance is ok in some situations. Its ok if our standing for something that you believe in or if your just having fun and playing a prank once in while. But deviance can also be a bad thing. People can just go around breaking all sorts of laws and being deviants all over the place. That would just screw the world up.


I think deviance can obviously be bad but it also can show the beliefs of a person. Once deviance becomes disruptive or hurtful to others,  it needs to be stopped. On the other hand deviance can really define a person and even get them to fight for what is right and make a change.


A good example of deviance is this whole NATO thing downtown with all of the protesters. They are standing up for something they believe in no matter what the circumstance is. It's positive because they want to see something change and they don't have selfish motives. So in general it's okay to be deviant when you're expressing your opinion or something that is really important to you.


i believe deviance should be used when you feel very strongly or are very passionate about a topic. With out forms of deviance no change would ever occur in the U.S. I believe that most deviance would be non violent, so its not such a terrible thing.


I think deviance is great. It defines a person. When a person defies the social norms it shows what they really think as a person. They stray from the normal expected actions and show what kind of person they really are. You can learn a lot about a persons true personality by their deviant acts.


I think people can exhibit deviant behaviors when they have something they believe in and need to fight for.  Sometimes it is necessary to push the boundaries and break social norms.   For example, Martin Luther King Jr. was someone that did this, same with the Rosa Parks.  If these people didn't stick up for what they believed in, America would not be America without these people.
I think that if someone has a strong belief against the norms of society then it is okay to show deviance. But then at the same time, was it okay for Hitler to use his deviant behavior? (killing millions wasn't exactly a social norm) I think when a person's behavior starts inflicting pain on others then the deviance becomes too much, and needs to be taken down some levels.

Stop Being A Sally!(cries in the corner)

Alrighty, boys, we are absolutely terrible. I can say I follow these methods we do as well, see as kids, you sit in front of your tv and watch Power Rangers and GI Joe and all that bippy bop and what happens? You think you can save the world and be buff while doing it, you need the two to succeed in the world, because no muscles means no girls, no girls means no kids that are over-achieving in sports even though you really really did not even come close. All thanks to a tv show that we saw at a young age. See when were like 3-6 our brains are soft and can be easily molded, which allows anything bright coloured and crazy bad ass to deform us. The world basically needs to watch discovery channel, at least we'll be smart.

!Kung ALL the way

Idk, the !kung, really represent us americans. Here's the thing, we love being smart-asses, especially to those who do way better than us, like say Donald Trump, there are so many jokes about him and other famous politicians and such. Counting, we amercians have probably the weirdest of traditions, I mean we all sit around drink beer and order tons of pizza and watch some 20 guys run up and down a field with a ball thats shaped like arnolds head in order to then push each other down onto the ground and we all go "AWWWWWWWW". American is the click country!

the gay stretch

Look, for us suburban-hetro people(well in general I believe) that video was something that we'd laugh at when really in our heads we were a little freaked out....the gay community is nothing to be scared I think, they just want equality, and it's kinda crazy that's it's worse for them than it was when the civil rights movement was going on.

Deviance is sucky

Deviance, its an issue obviously because well...it goes agaisnt social norms. Here's a situation, a doctor is taking care of a patient, the patient soon learns he is needing a very expensive surgery but he does not have insurance that covers surgery, is it wrong for that doctor to marry her patient in order to then save their lives? Personally, I think if you have good in your heart, and you intend this deviance to do good, I think it's okay, greatest devienter, MLK


I think if one is in this situation, then one can be deviant. For example, the person is being bad by not showing a consideration that is usually shown. This consideration could be protecting their safety physically and emotionally. From this, this would be the time to be deviant. Any other action would be not a time to be deviant. The example makes sense by being able to show a point that is needed to be told.


In my opinion, when someone has certain beliefs worth fighting for, I think it is acceptable to act deviantly as long as no one gets hurt. A good example of this is Martin Luther King jr. or Rosa Parks who fought for equality between blacks and whites using no violence. This betters society as a whole, making deviance acceptable in this situation.


I think deviance can be a good thing in certain situations. I think we as a society sometimes need deviance to better ourselves and make us more open minded. Like the civil rights movement, peoples fight for equality for all races, is a good example of a deviant act that was needed to make us a better country and improved the lives of many people. If the deviant act is going to help make a change in a positive way then I think it is an acceptable thing.


I think deviance is okay when it is to change a social norm that is unfair. Like we learned in class, Martin Luther King, Jr. was technically a deviant because he was challenging the social norm that blacks weren't equal to whites. This was a great example of when deviance is okay, because it bettered society. Whenever someone acts deviantly, it reinforces what is acceptable in society, and for that I think a small amount of deviance is acceptable at all times.

30 Days Response

The episode was very interesting to me. It was weird to see someone whose views of gays were so Bible based just thrown into the gay community for a month. I didn't think he would have handled it as well as he did, and even at the end seemed to have opened up his views. It kind of made me mad that the only reasoning he could back up his views with was that it was because the Bible said so. Even when the gay church pastor said that the Bible says don't kill other men, and he was in the Army, he still refused to change his mind.


I think deviance depends on your morals.  The deviant acts of the civil rights movement were based on strong feelings that everything should be equal for blacks and whites.  Deviance can sometimes be a negative thing in society, but it also shows a different point of view.  It explains the opposite of what society believes, and sometimes society needs that.


The idea of deviance in most cases is a bad idea. For instance, I'm sitting here watching these deviants protesting at NATO and they're being stupid about it, although it is entertaining it's a bad a example of deviance. A good example of deviance would be like what happened during the civil rights movement, they were smart about it and went about it the right way. They stood up for what they believed for in a diplomatic way, unlike these ne'er-do-wells at NATO.


Deviance in certain situations can be called for but in others, they aren't. In the situation of Martin Luther King, the deviance was justified because they wanted to change something in the United States. They fought for a just cause. However, when you look at situations of deviance, like the Occupy Wall Street Protest, they're cause is not justified. Their deviance is just an annoyance than it is for anything.


I believe deviance can be a good thing at times. For example during the civil right movements they were considered to be dievences. Im not saying that all divineness are good and have reasons but sometimes some ideas need to change and people need to step forward.It is up to the people that know they are deviance  for the right reasons, rather than no reason at all. It all depends on ones point of view.  Deviance's will always be around.


I believe deviance can be a good thing. For example, in the 60s during the civil rights movement all of those people were "deviants" however, they were fighting for a good cause which was equality for all man, no matter what your skin color was. I think what we consider deviance also changes over time because back then if you were fighting for the rights of a black man you'd be labeled as a deviant, were as if you were to do that today no one would care. It'd fall into a "social norm." So I guess every now and then humanity needs a little deviance to push us in the right direction. 

Saturday, May 19, 2012


Deviance is anything that goes against society's norms. I think deviance is acceptable if you are causing no harm and are standing up for what you believe in. Deviance can turn bad if it is uncontrolled and violence occurs. When this happens the outcome is usually bad. I think that everyone is deviant at some point in their lives.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Deviance used correctly

I believe that deviance can be a good thing, only if used correctly. Deviance can lead to change and reform which can be good, but not always. If a person is acting deviant to promote a good cause then, yes, that is deviance being used correctly. But in most cases deviance is not a good, or healthy, thing. People should not act outside of the social norms or be deviant on purpose. For example, coming to school naked would be breaking the social norms and unsaid understanding that you just don't do that. Therefore, this is a deviant, and illegal, act.


I think that deviance is acceptable sometimes.  Like when people want to stand up for thier beliefs it is ok.  Deviance is only a bad thing when chaos is created.  When riots start forming, that is when it is getting to far.  As long as deviant behavior is controlled it is ok to do.


I think being deviant in certain circumstances could be a good thing. If you are voicing your opinion and standing up for what you believe in sometimes that involves being deviant. In the civil rights movement people often acted deviant in peaceful ways by going against the segregation laws without bringing harm to anyone. While that could be considered deviance they were standing up for themselves and what they believe in.


I believe that being deviant is only ok in certain circumstances. Like trying to get society more open minded about something. For example when african americans were fighting for equal rights by using civil disobediance then that is fine. I dont think people should just be deviant for the fun of it.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012


There are appropriate times for someone to be deviant. Take Martin Luther King Jr. for example, how would our lives be different if he was not deviant? He fought against the social norms and many people hated him, so by definition he was a deviant. However, he was breaking the norms for the bettering of humanity. If someone is changing the way a society works because what they are doing was wrong, then this is a form of positive deviance. Not all deviance is bad, and if it makes a change for the better, then it is a good thing.

30 days

In the episode of 30 days, we saw a man struggle with his own beliefs on homosexuality. I really like the episode because I found it interesting how he had to face conflicts within himself. I could really see him trying to stay in his mold and not take the new point of view. It was neat to see the way that he broke out of his shell even if it meant going against his old habits and ideas. He did not want to believe new things, but he ended up seeing a new side of things. Not everyone can be exposed to situations like this, but I think they're very important because they let us see into a lifestyle we previously knew nothing about.


I personally don't think deviance is always bad. In my mind, it is okay for someone to stand up for their beliefs. Many people don't agree with the ones standing up. That in itself can create alot of harm which leads deviance towards being a bad thing with harm. For the most part, deviance can e controlled. The one speaking out should think about the consequences before disagreeing with many.


I believe that it is okay for someone to behave deviantly if it doesn't get too out of hand. If they're standing up for their beliefs, and it's causing no harm, then it is just a way for a person to show how they feel. However, if this behavior causes further issues, it is not okay for someone to behave deviantly. Society doesn't always accept deviant behavior because everyone has different views on the issue, but it's always important for a person to be able to stand up for what they believe in and have the option to express their thoughts, both verbally and with action.


If deviance is behaving agains the common acceptance, then I would say that yes, it is sometimes acceptable to behave deviantly sometimes. Some people have a certain goal they are fighting for that they must be deviant in their ways to achieve. Martin Luther King, Jr. and Mahatma Gandhi are two well know examples. They both fought for things by going against the common ways and authority. I think much of this fighting against authority is taken as very skewed in modern days however. Many people like to just go against authority for attention and fun and don't really make anything better.


I think deviance is acceptable when its help the greater good. For example, the civil rights protests were people acting of deviance, but it was for a cause that would help many people. It was something that was problem for many, and the deviance allowed for a better society. Deviance that only affects a small amount of people is not acceptable.

30 Days

I think this episode is was very eye opening for many people. It was frustrating watching Ryan be so closed minded on the subject of homosexuality. However, I do think being on the tv show helped him understand more that whether you are homosexual or heterosexual, you should not be victimized because of your sexual preference.


I feel that it's okay to be deviant when you're fighting for the something that will help everyone, or to make people notice what they're doing is wrong. Martin Luther King was a deviant, and he was just trying to accomplish something better for all African Americans.. but if people are just doing it to be "cool" then it's annoying and unnecessary.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

30 Days.

I thought the t.v. show was very interesting. I love the fact that Ryan gave him self a chance to live with a homosexual and saw that their no different from any other human being. I have to say that Ryan did grow as a person and he change his negatives views towards the homosexuals. Something I disliked was how people would judge about the homosexuals without even knowing nothing about it them. We all need to accept people for who they are, you don't see them judging us for being STRAIGHT.

Quarter 4, Week 7: Deviance

Under what circumstances is it ok for people to exhibit deviant behaviors?  If it is never ok for people to behave deviantly, why not?  Explain your answer in detail.

Monday, May 14, 2012

30 days in a gay community

I love this series because it takes people out of their comfort zone and forces them to question their own beliefs and lives. In this specific episode, Ryan, who was born in a small, conservative, religious community believes that homosexuality is a sin. But by the end of the episode you can see slight changes in his beliefs through his actions. One night he feels comfortable enough to take his shirt off and dance at a gay bar, compared to the first night they went their he stayed in the corner, offensive to any gay man who approached him. Also when the father of the service woman talked to him about the rights of his daughter you could see him open up more. his main underlying beliefs stayed strong throughout the 30 days because of such strong ties with his religious upbringing, and they were reinforced when he went back home to his family, who were completely judgemental. But I think Ryan's perception on gay people changed because of his personal connection to his roommate that he spent everyday with.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

i found the 30 days episode to be like any other TV show, based on a script, contains a conflict, a subject of high interest or contrast, and a resolution. Ryan is the epitome of a closed minded manly man, he follows the guidance of the bible, was a marine, and becomes uptight and angry when he is put past his comfort level.  the story line of the show was to attract attention with the high amounts of drama, and to end the show Ryan presented a speech that gave closure to show that Ryan found valuable change within his 30 days with an added understanding and sympathy of how he views gay people. I don't believe ryan's views were actually changed at all. Ryan was in an environement were he was the minority based on his sexuality. ryan felt awkward and threatened in this environment, so he only changed to not become a target among the other gay people. Ryan did learn some more repsect, because he was able to at least able to put his beliefs aside to nod and smile along with the surrounding gay people.

30 days

The 30 days episode we saw was definitely something different. I was weird seeing some stuff like the pictures in the bath room and how he partied. I didnt think it was weird in a bad way it was just different. I totally think it would have been easy to go through those 30 days. Plus he got to get out of his boring state and go to California. Furthermore i dont think he ever changed , the show just had to make it seem like it was all a happy ending.

30 days

My thoughts on that episode are that it was just plain weird. It was just really awkward. I mean the straight guy clearly felt very uncomfortable most of the time and I don't blame him. I just didn't get the point. I wasn't surprised his views changed a little because it's a tv show you could kind of see it coming. One part I agree on is I don't think gays have a choice I think that they are just born that way, and while I don't agree with it I do think that it shouldn't be a sin, because they can't help it.

30 Days

After watching the video, I was surprised at how quick he was to revert back to his old ways as soon as he returned home. After the 30 days when he gave his goodbye speech, it seemed like he actually changed his views toward holosexuality but he didn't. I still don't think he accepts homosexuality, but now he understands the concept a little more as well as bEing able to be around it. It surprised me how open he was about his views around the 12 gay men at dinner the first night. He flat out told them he thought being gay was a sin and he didn't agree.

30 days

I was surprised how little he changed over the 30 days. At the end it appears that he his finally on the verge of changing, but then he never flat out says "hey im ok with this". i do have to say, however, that he seemed much more accepting at the end, which is nice to see.

30 days

I found it interesting how open and honest he was about his feelings.  With a group of 12 gay guys, he explained how against it he was, and how he thought that they were all sinners.  He was extremely judging at the beginning, but towards the end he became much more understanding and comfortable with the idea.  One of the things that seemed to have the biggest effect on him was talking to the parents.  It seemed to give him a new perspective on the idea.

30 days

I thought the video was interesting. I do think they took a very one sided stance and a very extreme look at it.  I think they looked at the minority of people who stand outside with signs that say that and only showed those people rather than the people who may be against it but are not rude or harmful about it. I definitely think there are people like that and i think that is awful. I dont believe people should be discriminated against for being themselves and the video was a big eye opener into what types of discrimination they do face.

30 Days

I thought this episode was interesting. I was surprised at how judgmental Ryan was of other people and their beliefs in the beginning. I knew that some people were against homosexuality but it really surprised me to what extent Ryan and the people in his community prejudiced gay people. I do think that Ryan was able to be brave and break out of his comfort zone through his experience. I think the trip was beneficial to his viewpoints on others although I don’t think he changed dramatically because it’s hard to change something you’ve grown up believing in just 30 days. I think going to San Francisco was a good eye opener for Ryan.

30 days

I thought the episode was pretty interesting. I was really appalled at how some people would hold up hateful signs against gay people. I knew that sometimes gay people can be mocked/bullied but I never knew it was to that extent. It was horrifying and it made me really sad because they called themselves Christians but then thrust their judgement on others. I honestly don't think it's anyone's business about whether someone is gay or not and I would rather people and the government just stay out of relationships in all. I think Ryan became a lot more accepting of people throughout his time in San Francisco and it helped him grow as a person and realize that he can hold onto whatever beliefs he has, but to not put his judgement on others because it's not his place.
I didn't think that the guy changed that much from the experience. He did learn more about how a gay person lives and i thought that made him more tolerant. But i still don't think that he is ok with homosexuality. He obviously believes that it is a sin. There was no way he was going to change his mind about it either.

30 Days

I found the video to be very interesting. I was surprised at how sheltered he was in that he had never encountered a guy man in his life. I thought it was brave of him to go out of his comfort zone and live with a gay man for 30 days. However I didn't really like his attitude in the beginning in the sense that if he knew that no matter what they told him or what he experienced wasn't going to change his perspective on gay's being sinners then why'd he do it in the first place? 

I think this whole project really helped Ryan to become more open minded about homo-sexuality then he has ever been in his entire life. I feel that its going to really benefit him in the future as well not only dealing with homosexuality but dealing with anything that Ryan considers normal. He is also a very understanding person because of the whole thing witch will help him with difficult situations he encounters later in life.

30 Days Response

I thought the episode was sort of entertaining but at the same time surprising. I don't really know how we have come to find the discomfort of others to be a source of entertainment, but we have. I didn't know people such as Ryan (close-minded, opposed to change, "strict" Bible interpretation) actually existed. I thought they were just an image created to exaggerate the opposing views of others. I thought we have progressed as humans enough to move past the personal lives of others to consider them people. I thought it was funny how the episode followed a somewhat typical sitcom story line of 2 new roommates meeting, realizing they have to put up with each other and act nice, then they don't act nice, and then they resolve their differences and learn to live life without taking into account what they've learned.

30 Days

I thought the episode was really interesting. I liked that it showed the views and opinions from people on both sides on the topic of homosexuality. From the video, I saw that many people form stereotypes and judgments about homosexuality without ever knowing anything about it. They take the bible too literally, word for word. I don’t think that being gay is a sin at all. People are who they are, and we all need to understand and learn to accept that. For Ryan, these 30 days were very educational, and his narrow world and perspective has been widened through this experience. Although Ryan has grown, I don’t think Ryan changed his whole view on homosexuality has changed, but I think he has learned to respect and accept people for who they are.

30 Days

I thought the 30 days episode was very interesting. It was hard for Ryan to adjust to living in a gay community because he disagreed with their views. It was pretty awkward for him during the first night when he went to dinner with Ed and his gay friends. He felt attacked when they asked him why he thought being gay was wrong. It was also hard for him to get along with the minister because she wanted to know why it was so hard for him to be accepting of gays. I wasn't exactly surprised that Ryan hadn't changed his views after coming home. It's pretty hard for one person to completely change their views based on just one 30 day experience. Ryan seemed a little bit more accepting after the experience, but I still felt like he thought it was wrong to be gay.

30 Days

I thought the 30 Days episode was very informative to watch. Seeing Ryan go to San Francisco made me wonder how the visit would go. The episode did make Ryan learn to accept homosexuality by living with Ed. This episode is interesting to watch by how Ryan is fitting in San Francisco. I feel Ryan did get to understand homosexuality. His perspective stays the same, but he has learned to respect homosexuality.

Friday, May 11, 2012

30 Days

The straight man in the gay world video was very interesting, because Bryan had to live with a gay person for 30 day. I think that situation made him a little bit uncofortable. He had other beliefs and he didin't agree with the gay community. I Think after the 30 days he was more open, but he didnt change any of his opinions.

30 days

The straight man in the gay world video was very interesting because he has a religious belief, and accrding to the bible liking another person from the same gender is a sin. A lot of people have different thoughts on same sex relationships, but its another thing to insult their life choices. I feel like people shouldn't judge if it not relating to their own lives. Ryan was very close minded on this subject and he stuck to what he believed and to what others believed too. He should've prepared himself for the gay world before doing the whole 30 days.  
I thought the episode of 30 days, straight man in a gay world was a very good representation of todays society. What it shows, is how ignorent we are today when it comes to an uncomin social occurence. In society today people tend to rely on stereo types over personal expirience. This is a problem because stereo types are almost never true for the common person of a single group. I thought the video did a good job at showing this issue by showing the main charecters changed views through personal expierience with the gay commuunity while bridging the gap between stereotypes of others and personal connection with a member of the gay community. In the end this video was a good wakeup call to those who make stereo types and was a grat learning expieriencee.

30 days.

I thought the concept of this episode was really interesting. It showed that many people develop stereotypes through their environment such as their family and change them once they actually experience it. It is sad that many people are so caught up in their judgements before they ever even know a person. I do not agree with his opinion that being gay is a sin but it didn't annoy me that he kept his opinion on that I thought it was really cool actually that he could keep his opinion and still get past the judgements and stereotypes he used to believe.

30 days

I really liked this episode and thought it was very interesting.  I think that it was a good experience for the guy because before that he had never been exposed to anyone that was gay.  Although he was very set on his opinions throughout the 30 days he did open up at the end with his speech and I thought that was a good thing.  I wish he would have been more open minded throughout the whole 30 days though it would have helped him grow even more.

30 Days

I think that this video was very good for him to open his eyes to new experiences. Since he was very judgmental, it was good for him to put himself in the situation of living with a gay guy so that he can know what it's like before he makes conclusions. It was interesting that he even put himself out there to get a job and fully experience what it's like to live in the gay heart of San Francisco. It was also very good that he was able to ultimately change his stance on gay relationships.

30 Days

I enjoyed this episode and liked how there was humor involved. When watching it, I was a little unhappy with his attitude. He came in with his mind completely set on gays being a sin. What's the point on doing this if he told himself he would not change his views? I wished he gave them more of a chance to prove how they are no different than anyone else. In my mind, this show showed how difficult this process can be. Ultimately, being open and flexible can lead you to gaining knowledge and new ideas.

30 days

I thought the video was very interesting to watch. I thought it was rude how the guy judged all those men so quickly just because of their sexuality. I think it made them feel uncomfortable and upset that some random guy was saying these things to them.In order for him to get a better experience he should have gone in with a more open mind. He was set on one opinion and wasn't willing to change it. I think he should have respected their lifestyle more.

30 Days

I feel like the man should have gone in to this with more of an open mind because the whole time he just expressed how uncomfortable he was and how he did not want to be there.  I did not like how he immediately expressed his oipinions and judged him and all of his friends when the only thing he knew about them was that they were gay.  He doesn't have to like their lifestyle, but that should not make him not like them as people.  He did end up opening his mind slightly and formed a bond with the man but he still critized him and his lifestyle. 

30 Days

I thought it was pretty interesting that they would think to send a straight guy in to a gay community. The straight guy was totally unprepared for the change of life styles compared to where he lived and san francisco. I feel like he should've been more open to the new enviornment and respect what the other side was saying because all he did was defend his thoughts and opinions. I was kind of surprised on how mean the people who are against gays were, calling them really bad names and stuff, no wonder people think Christians are stuck up or wrong because they just totally dont respect people different from them. Not all of them are, but that's the image they send out when they are forcing religion onto the gays.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

30 Days

I thought the straight guy in the movie was very unprepared for this experience.  He was never open to new beliefs knowing he went into a totally new world.  Also he hurt that woman's feelings saying that homosexuality is a sin and sticking with it.  And bringing his friend made things worse.

Straight man in a gay world review

Ive actually seen this online a while ago, so I'm sharing early. I thought this video was kind of closed minded in a lot of ways. It doesn't look at the world in a modern way. The guy needs to learn a thing or two about common courtey or just being nice or open in general.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Gender Norms

Gender Norms influence our society a great deal. They define a lot of men and women and make them think they need to live up to said norms. It explains the rising amounts of depression and eating disorders going on in young people. Everyone is made to feel like they need to look and act a certain way for them to be accepted and it just adds a lot of unnecessary pressure that didn't exist before now.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

boys vs. girls

Gender roles are very prominent aspect in the workings of our society. From a young age they have control over how we are supposed to act, behave, and what we will pursue later on in life. Girls are generally percieved to be more caring and nurturing, and typically work under men. Boys are expected to act tough, and be more intelligent, typically having control over the workforce and government.There is many debate to which how gender roles are formed, some think they biologically predisposed, others believe family, peers, and the media construct them; I think it's a combination of both.

Monday, May 7, 2012

Quarter 4, Week 6: 30 Days Response

This week, we will be watching an episode of the TV show 30 Days entitled Straight Man in a Gay World.  What are your thoughts on this episode?  Were there certain elements that surprised you, made you angry, etc.?  Explain.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Gender Norms

 I  feel like gender control some aspects of our lives. I believe that males will always be seen as the dominant in society, whether its right or not. According to the gender norms guys are supposed to be the leaders in society. They are supposed to be the tough ones who provide for their family. While women, on the other hand, are supposed to be the housewives who take care of the children and clean. But in today's society its not 50/50 anymore, some woman do more than a guy would.
Gender roles are the most foundational aspect to our societies's operation, gender makes the world tick forward in a designated direction. Our gender roles as a man or a women defines our: identity, interests, communication, occupations, behavior, and any other aspect the contributes to an individuals projected image and consciousness. As society moves as a whole and inquisitive people begin to challenge the expected behaviors of a 21st century man or women; men begin to feel threatened of their dominance. Men become fearful that they will no longer have the upper hand in their environment, that they begin to be challenged by the submissive one, may it be a women or any other individual that is under that man. Men control all the largest corporations, institutions, and run the government; thus controlling you. Mr. BOSS MAN is formatting your life through his projected image.

Gender Roles

Gender norms are pretty important in our society. It dictates what jobs certain genders can get. For instance, most secretaries are women. A woman would be able get a job as a secretary easier than a man. Also, it controls how men and women act differently. Men have to be tough. The most powerful men are supposed to be white, strong, and smart. Women are supposed to be weak. Gender roles contribute a lot to our society social norms.
As far as socialization goes i believe that family has played the biggest role in my life. Throughout my entire life they have constantly taught me things such as life skills and morals. because of this my family has played the biggest role in developing my values. Goining along with this, growing up my family neverspent alot of time around religion. This is the reason that religion plays the smallest role in my lifes socialization. It has done very little in my life except leave my sundays wide open for whatever I like.

Gender Norms

So I think that the stereotypical gender norms sort of cut off creativity in a way, or they just shape us into thinking that girls have to be a certain way and guys have to be a different way. I truly wonder how we'd all turn out if society didn't paint this picture of how each gender was supposed to act and what they are supposed to like. I mean why am i supposed to like the color pink or enjoy watching chick flick movies... what if I hypothetically liked to lift weights and play video games all the time? People would probably have an issue with that and judge me for it. so i guess these norms just kind of get in the way of being your own person sometimes. 

Gender Roles

I believe gender roles play a large role in todays society. Since the day were wraped in a blue or pink blanket we are under a direct influence from almost every person we make contact with. I think the video we have been watching in class is a clear representation of our society. In the video it talked about how values are greatly different from males to females but still play big roles in every day life. Some examples of these are males constantly feeling the need to be physicly stronger and females needing to look physicly appealing. These two reasons, among others represent the large role of masculinity and feminimity in society.

Gender Norms

I think it's not solely the gender norms that drive our society but the application gender titles at all. Now of course, there are boys and girls, and men and women, that cannot be denied. I am referring to the act of assigning genders to different sanctions. For example, in the video we watched in class, Jackson Katz accentuated the idea of making it more known to the public that white heterosexual men are committing a lot of the crimes that get put under the table and anything else is brought out. I think that's one of the problems our society faces. We have an obsession with putting the blame on others that we forget the real essence of the presentation of crime. It is the crime itself, the rape, the murder, the theft, that we should worry about, not who to point fingers at and ridicule.

Gender Norms

Gender norms are a big part of our lives. They are present all over our society. Men are supposed to be tough and they are supposed to be leaders. This is true all over the world with the world leaders being mostly men. Women are expected to act like ladies and not be violent. we grow up with these norms presented to us in our communities and in the media and they do effect the way our society functions.
Gender norms are a controlling force in our society. We see that boys act one way and girls act another way. When boys grow up they play with cars, sports, violence. Boys grow up horsing around fighting with each to shows who is stronger and tougher. When girls grow up they play with dolls, braid each others hair, play house.  The girls act all lady like. The roles of genders are a big controlling force that shows the structure of each gender.

Gender Norms

I think gender norms play a big part in society, especially from the media. The media shows that guys should be tough and muscular. It shows that girls should be the housewives. I think our views on the way each gender should be would be totally different without the media.

Gender Norms

I feel that gender norms play a pretty big role in our society. Right when we come outta our mother's womb a boy is wrapped around in a blue blanket and a girl is wrapped around in a pink blanket. Also as they grow older the boys try and put up the tough guy wall while on the other hand girls are considered stereotypically weak. Mean become the providers for the family while women become the caretakers. I do believe this is slowing changing though i mean look into previous generations and start at the 50s, than, the 60s and work your way up. I do believe we are heading in the right direction when it comes to this.

gender norms

gender norms i think are very obvious in are society. You see the social media try to show kids what there supposed to be like when they get over. They exspecially try to single out the younger boys by teaching them they have to be strong and intimidating. You look in all are movies that we play today and all the guys are these strong good looking guys. Even in chick flicks you get guys like channing tatum who is big and strong. Exspecially wwe does nothing but makes boy feel like they need to be big and strong and they need to result their problems with violence

Gender Norms

Gender norms are a huge part of our society. Ever since you are born you are shown the "correct" way to act for your gender. Boys are usually given sports balls while girls are given dolls. By being told what you are supposed to be using for your entire life, basically shapes the adult you will be. Of course there are those that reject the norm, but they are singled out and ridiculed by being called names. So most just try to stick within the accepted gender norm.

Gender Roles

I think that gender roles have a huge role in our society.  They set expectations for people to try to live up to, and stereotypes for them to try to fulfill.  It is impossible to escape these stereotypes, and they are present in almost everything.  Even bringing children to mcdonalds to get happy meal.  They always ask if you want a girls toy or a boys toy.  Even though this is just one small thing, it contributes to the stereotype that men should be "tough" and women are stereotypically "weak."

Gender Norms

I think gender norms play a large role in our society. From the way we are nurtured we are taught how we should act as girls or boys. Girls usually are given dolls and makeup and boys are given cars and tools to play with. These toys alone already put a division between the ways girls and boys should act. According to the gender norms guys are supposed to be the leaders in society. They are supposed to be the “tough” ones who provide for their family. While women, on the other hand, are supposed to be the housewives who take care of the children and clean. These norms are becoming less prominent in society today with women becoming the providers more, but it is still apparent that there is a divide between what men and women are suppose to do in our culture.

Gender Roles

I think gender roles play a large part in our society. For examples just look to the media. All over the place you see people conforming to traditional gender roles. Children see women as stereotypical "weak" and overly feminine on tv all the time and this is where they get their ideas from. 

gender roles

I think gender roles play a big part in society. Men are supposed to be tough and powerful. Women are supposed to be weaker and less powerful than men. This is not the case today however. In the past men were supposed to make all the money and the women were supposed to be stay at home moms. Today more and more women are having full time jobs. These gender roles are all about past beliefs. I think that we are in a new era where men and women are equal and everyone is an individual.

Gender Roles

I think gender roles play a big part in our society. Women and men are categorized into certain areas that they are supposed to succeed in and be good at. Women are supposed to cook and clean and be the 'weak' ones who need men and the men are supposed to be the strong tough guys. I think it is unfair to put every male and every female into a certain stereotype because every person is an individual.

Gender Norms

Gender norms have a medium to big impact on society. Women wear dresses on formal occasions, and men wear tuxedos on formal occasions. Males are known to have to be kind to women by being a gentleman. Females are the ones who are ladies. Both are able to play sports and do housework, so that has medium impact on society. The gender norms are separate and come together in harmony. Communicating with each other is a way, and wearing pants is another.

Gender Roles

Gender roles play a huge controlling force in our society.  First of all, numerous shows of television portray men as being strong and tough and girls as being fragile.   Girls are supposed to be weak, emotional and skinny, while men are supposed to be unemotional, and built.  If a man likes "feminine" things then he is teased or bullied.

Gender normss

Gender norms play a huge role in our society. From a very young age, we are taught how girls and guys are supposed to act. For example playing with American Girl Dolls, Barbies, and kitchen sets were popular for girls while boys played with toy cars and action figures a lot. There are always exceptions to gender norms, but for the most part, girls and guys are expected to act certain ways based on stereotypes. It is expected of men to be the "tough" working people while women are stay at home moms. Though wrong, society thinks this way and when a girl/boy doesn't follow the gender norms, they are considered somewhat of an outcast.

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Gender Norms

Gender norms play a large role in our society. They are unsaid rules and regulations that we unconsciously learn to follow since we are little kids. From the first toys we play with, from the difference between dolls and action figures, we are made to believe that girls and boys are supposed to act in a certain way, and never in the same way. “Girly” and “manly” are stereotypes that we have created based on these gender norms that keep everyone in a box of societal expectations. Gender norms control how we live our lives. They plant thoughts like “men should be tough”, “girls shouldn’t act like this” inside us. These ‘should’ and ‘shouldn’t’s  keep us from our true selves.


I think gender norms have a a large role in our society. Guys are suppose to be the tough guys and women are suppose to be weak. Also when ever girls talk they always gossip. EVeryone makes jokes about it but it seems to be true. Also guys are suppose to beat each other up when they see each other.Also just like the Gi joe stuff in the movie showed how men have changed appearence. Finally women have gotten skinnier.

Friday, May 4, 2012

Gender Norms

I think gender norms have a a large role in our society. Girls are supposed to be the weaker ones while boys are supposed to be tough and manly and watch sports. Like in the movie we are watching, guys feel like they have to be violent and in charge all the time because otherwise they might be looked at as weak and then they won't be respected. Girls feel they have to be the opposite. Society has us feel like we need to be the weaker ones and depend on males to protect us because they are the stronger ones.

Gender roles

I think gender roles are very prevelant in today's society. First of all, males have a very protective role over their family and friends, so they have more responsibility. But now a days people are starting to break those Norms and break stereotypes, like women in political positions and stuff.


In todays society gender norms make up a huge and major part. A girl is suppose to be fragile & feminine. A boy has to be "big" tough and strong. If a boy likes girl things, he is bullied and called names like "wuss" "wimp" or "gay". But on the other hand, if a girl likes boy stuff, then "it's okay". The society that we live in is very judgemental, and they judge you on every single little thing in your life.   

Gender Norms

I think gender norms are very applicable to today's society. Men are expected to be strong and tough, while women are expected to be emotional and are in charge of cooking, cleaning, etc. It's less likely for a woman to be a CEO, or manager of a company, while its much more common for a man to be. Also, women are said to be worse drivers and less intelligent than men in general. Gender norms are simply expected by society and go by unspoken of. It's strange when people of either gender don't fit these expectations, and that's what always stands out to other people.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Gender Norms

I believe that gender roles play a huge role in our society today. Women and men are supposed to act in certain ways. Women are supposed to be more of the care givers and Men are supposed to be the providers. I feel like men view women as cutesy and ditsy where as women view men as tough and strong. I also think men and women act differently around the opposite sex than they do around the same sex.

Gender Norms

In our society, girls are supposed to do girl things, and boys are supposed to do boy things. If at any point a boy starts doing girl things, it's not okay in our society. Growing up my parents would never think to buy me dolls or barbies, because they didnt think that was the right thing for a boy to have. This is usually the case for all families, but then if you look at the girls growing up, it isnt frowned upon for girls to do boy things. Its a double standard that will never go away. I think this is mainly because in our world, guys are portrayed as masqueline and tough, and when dads are bringing up their children they want to make sure that the boys grow up being tough and love sports. Its a huge part of how people are in this world we live in.

Gender Norms

Gender norms are a huge part of our society.  Boys and girls act differently around the opposite sex than they do around the same.  I think guys feel like they always have to be in charge and all tough.  Like we said in class it is a big insult to a little boy to be "acting like a girl."  Although gender norms are still a problem in our society, things have gotten a lot better than a while back.  Men were expected to work and women always stayed home with the kids.  Now a days, it is not unusal for women to be successful and provide for their families.

Gender norms

Gender norms are a very controlling part of society.  Girls and guys are "supposed" to act a certain way around other guys and girls.  Boys like to be tough and manly and girls like to be nice and feminine.  A lot of people follow these social norms because if they don't they are of being an outcast.  Most men think that it is their responsibility to go to work and make money for the family, while women think it's their job to be stay at home moms. 

Gender Norms

I think gender norms are a very controlling force in our society. Its all about people judging you all the time based on what you do, how you dress, pretty much anything and everything. Males are not supposed to act a certain way. Like they are not supposed to like things that girls like and if they do then they are shunned, made fun of and maybe even people think that he is gay. Same kinda stuff happens with girls too.

Gender Norms

I personally feel like gender control some aspects of our lives.. men will always want to be the more masculine dominant ones. while women will always be the fragile ones. There are a few women who want to be independent and be out there competing with the men, but most still stay home after having  baby and take care of their husbands. Men/boys still have kitchen jokes, and try to get "swole" to show off their masculinity, so they wont really change. but as long as we still expect each other to stay in stereotypical roles, then we will still be controlled by our genders.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Gender Norms

Gender norms play a huge role in our society. If you ask any young child about whether a certain object belongs with a girl or a boy, they will easily be able to tell you. It starts at a young age that we are taught a distinction between males and females and their roles in society. The media also enforces this idea of gender norms as well.

Gender norms

Gender norms are a huge part of our society. boys act different around girls than they do around other boys. same with girls. Male norms include masculinity, having control, and hard work. women norms are different compared to mens norms. Norms are different but a big part of our world.


My family is nuclear. My family is matrilolity and also patrilocality because we live by both my moms family and dads family. There are a few patrilocal family members that live in california. My family likes to live relatively close because we have a lot of get togethers.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012


Gender norms play a very large role in out society. Boys like to act rough and tough around each other because they feel like they should. Girls feel the need the be cutesy and feminine in fear of being judged. While people may be surprising how they want to act, they hide those actions because they don't want to stand out. People still follow the stereotypical family where the man earns the bacon and the woman cooks it, but things are changing. While gender still influences our daily life and behaviors extremely, people who act differently are less judged than a few years ago.


I live in a nuclear family, it's me, my brother, my mom, & my dad. We are matriarchal because my mom usually makes most of the decisions. We are neolocal.

Gender Norms

Gender norms are a huge force in our society. Boys tend to act different arounds other guys rather than girls. Girls, vice versa, are the same way. We as guys tend to be more tougher sounding while girls may have the tendency to sound more innocent. Some male norms include the obvious masculinity, staying in control, and that work is very important. On the other hand, women are usually portrayed as the main care givers for children. As shown, gender norms are not taught but are natural to us all.

Gender Norms

I think gender norms definitely play a role in our society today. Most girls and guys have particular stereotypes they put on each other that change the way genders are viewed. Most guys view girls as dumb and the less intelligent gender, where as most girls view guys as lazy and unemotional. It is unfair to categorize the genders like this because it puts an unfair advantage or disadvantage in play for both genders.
I live in an egalitarian nuclear family with five kids and two parents. We are a matrilocality because we live closer to my mom's parents than my dad's.


For me family has played the biggest role in my socialization because almost everything I know I learned from them and my education is a close second. I think that the government and economy have contributed least so far because since I am still a minor I haven't contributed much yet to either of them.