Sunday, May 13, 2012

30 days

I thought the video was interesting. I do think they took a very one sided stance and a very extreme look at it.  I think they looked at the minority of people who stand outside with signs that say that and only showed those people rather than the people who may be against it but are not rude or harmful about it. I definitely think there are people like that and i think that is awful. I dont believe people should be discriminated against for being themselves and the video was a big eye opener into what types of discrimination they do face.


Elizabeth Uhrich said...

I agree that it was extremely one sided. It only showed people who were so against it that they felt the need to stand on the side of the road with signs. I don't believe that they should be discriminated for being who they want to be. And the video really was a big eye opener for all for the extreme discrimination they face.

Janelle Schneider said...

I agree that it was one sided. However sometimes showing the extreme makes people open their eyes to another opinion. Seeing all these people who are anti-gay standing on the sides of the roads with signs and victimizing the gays gives the public an insight to how the gays are treated sometimes.