Wednesday, February 1, 2012


i think the way anthropologist have been doing these expiriments on these poor chimps and monkeys is not right. Those expiriments on that poor monkey was just hard to watch the way the damaged that monkey mentaly. I just feel like these animals are wild and they should be living in the jungle were they belong. If you take a human and study them thats inhumane but when you do it to a poor monkey or a chimp then i feel like its wrong. If you want to study monkeys then study these primates in there natural habitat and leve them alone.


Janelle Schneider said...

i agree with danny. especially after watching the video on keeli and ivy, it shows us that these monkeys and chimps are just as intelligent as we are, so they should not be treated any differently than we are. i think these tests should not be repeated.

Erick Hernandez said...

I agree with you, what they did to the monkeys, its not right. They damaged their mentality, and also their entire life.