Sunday, February 12, 2012


I think that the homo ergaster stage was the most important stage in human evoulution. This is the stage where their brains started becoming close to what we have today. They started developing family and friends. No other animal could do that before them. Also, having their big brains led them to start leaving their ancesteral grounds and moving other places. This was very important to their survival and we wouldn't be here today if they didn't.


Lizzie Kapinos said...

I agree with brian. Having a big brain and the ability to communicate were great traits that developed during this stage. I also agree that with these big brains they were able to survive longer than ancestors before them.

devinmahoney said...

I agree that homo ergaster was the most important stage. Being able to develop relationships through communication was very important for our development. Also, moving to differnet places helped them survive and grow.