Sunday, February 12, 2012


I think that homo ergaster was the most significant stage in human development. A big help for them was the development of their cooling system. They started sweating in order to preserve oygen, instead of panting. Besause of this, they were able to adjust better to the environment. Another trait of theirs was forming whites in their eyes. This allowed them to have better communication and show emotions more clearly. Lastly, a larger brain helped them track animals and look for weather patterns. Home eraster helped us become who we are today.

1 comment:

Silpsupha said...

I agree with your post. Homo Habilis could be significant as well by the tools they made. They show intelligence in moving forward. The Homo Habilis are willing to move when they need to. Homo Ergaster and Homo Habilis are close in the stages of being modern humans. Your post gives correct facts.