Friday, February 10, 2012


I think the most segificant stage of human evlution is the Homo Erectus. In my opinion this stage is when the human evolution started to be more human. In this stage they was the first time they figured how to make fire. This helped them to be more secure and safety. This will aslo help them to see at night. In this stage they also made a big evolution, they experiment another continent. Some of them stay in Africa and the otherones migrated to Asia.

1 comment:

+ Zack Brady said...

Homo Erectus was a significant stage. They were the first to use fire. They used fire for many reasons a few being to cook there food, fire gave safety and security. Also, it gave them more time with light so they could plan ahead for survival and they could socialize more. Homo Erectus was a big jump in the stages with there use of fire which is used for survival today. Fire is a key element in surviving and they figured that out.