Sunday, February 12, 2012


I think the most important stage in Human evolution was Homo Egastur. That stage is when the leap was made to more of a modern Human. They bigger noses so they could breathe through them allowing them to make noises to communicate. They also began to sweat in order to regulate body temp, so they could do more things when it was hot out. The biggest attribute that Homo Egastur brought to the table was their large brain. Their brain allowed them to infer from clues and make connections that no other living thing could. It helped them outsmart bigger, faster, and stronger animals. Although all stage of evolution were important, I think Homk Egastur was the most inportant.


StaceyBooth said...

I agree. I think this stage was definitely a stage where they first started looking like a modern human. There were a lot of different changes that were made during this stage that helped them with survival.

Austin Smock said...

I cant argue with this. Our race is what it is today because of this stage. The larger brain definatly benifits homo ergaster and on top of that their ability to regulate body tep allows them to adapt much quicker. this eventually leads them to survive the most harsh conditions