Thursday, February 16, 2012

Fossil Discovery

Archeologists found fossils of fishing hooks made from shell that are 23,000-16,000 years old. They discovered these hooks in Jerimalai Cave at the eastern end of East Timor, North of Australia in 2005. The person to find it was Sue O'Connor from the Australian National University. This is an important find because it shows that early humans were sophisticated enough to catch deep sea fish. Over 39,000 fish bones were also found at the site which support this. Early had more advanced tools than researchers thought.


Jack Finis said...

I find this really interesting! I agree that these hooks and fish bones were huge discoveries. It is amazing how sophisticated we were back then when many think we had no idea what was going on. Also, I can't imagine trying the catch deep sea fish back then! All in all, it is amazing how educated we seemed to have been back then to have created tools like these. Fossil discoveries of any sort let us know what was going on in these long-ago time periods.

Kira H. said...

This article was really interesting. Like Jack said, these discoveries were very important in learning more about the world's history. With more findings like this we can start to piece together our past. Also, it was cool to see how smart we were. Our use of tools and equipment was impressive. It will be neat to see how all the parts of the puzzle fit together.