Sunday, February 5, 2012


I definitely do not think the experiments were repeated. They were cruel to monkeys and caused severe damaged to an animal that has emotions. While watching the video of the monkey that was being scared it made most of the class uncomfortable because we felt bad for it. So, this makes the experiment very unethical. Although we learn a lot from experiments like this, I do not think they should be repeated because of the damage it does to the subject. I think we should take what we learned and what we can infer and leave it at that.


Elizabeth Uhrich said...

I agree that these experiments have caused harm to the monkeys and do not need to be repeated. Harlow has already gotten results from them, and they do not need to be repeated again. I agree that we should use the results from his experiments to learn, but not repeat them again.

Kara Kirchner said...

I agree with Kira. These experiments made the class feel very uncomfortable because the monkey looked scared and sad. We learned in class that primates do have emotions, so purposely making monkeys scared is unethical and those tests shouldn't be repeated.

Will Lazzar said...

I agree with you. Monkeys should be raised by other monkeys. Monkeys being raised by humans changes their entire lives completely. Let them live. One experiment was done and that is enough. If we do another experiment then the results will be the same.