Friday, May 11, 2012

30 Days

I thought it was pretty interesting that they would think to send a straight guy in to a gay community. The straight guy was totally unprepared for the change of life styles compared to where he lived and san francisco. I feel like he should've been more open to the new enviornment and respect what the other side was saying because all he did was defend his thoughts and opinions. I was kind of surprised on how mean the people who are against gays were, calling them really bad names and stuff, no wonder people think Christians are stuck up or wrong because they just totally dont respect people different from them. Not all of them are, but that's the image they send out when they are forcing religion onto the gays.


Paige Smaha said...

I agree with what you said here. He should have gone into it with more of an open mind instead of being so judgmental right off the bat. Him criticizing them on how they live their life accomplished nothing because its not like they're going to change, so he should have looked past that.

Austin Smock said...

I agree with the statement that the christans were mean in the video however i feel it is wrong to abide by yet another stereotypes. Just like the gays the christens often dont feel they can change their beleifs on gays because of how they were raised. To say that all christans are as rude as those in the video would more than likely just as bad as stereotyping gays. Clearly the protesters in the video were extremests and should not be seen as a stereotypical christan.

Erick Hernandez said...

I agree with you, in that people should respect gay people. and i think he could've been more ope and behave a little better with the gay community and with that lady from the church.