Friday, May 11, 2012

30 days.

I thought the concept of this episode was really interesting. It showed that many people develop stereotypes through their environment such as their family and change them once they actually experience it. It is sad that many people are so caught up in their judgements before they ever even know a person. I do not agree with his opinion that being gay is a sin but it didn't annoy me that he kept his opinion on that I thought it was really cool actually that he could keep his opinion and still get past the judgements and stereotypes he used to believe.


VirginiaPedrosa:] said...

I agree, a lot of people do develop a different way of thinking from there family and friends. Even though 30 days wasnt really enough time to change his beliefs.

Amy Bidstrup said...

I agree. Ryan based his views on homosexuals on stereotypes and he wasn't open to changing them.

katie sharp said...

Yeah I think it was kinda cool that he stood firm in his beliefs too, but set aside his judgement because he realized it's none of his business and not his place to judge.