Sunday, May 13, 2012

i found the 30 days episode to be like any other TV show, based on a script, contains a conflict, a subject of high interest or contrast, and a resolution. Ryan is the epitome of a closed minded manly man, he follows the guidance of the bible, was a marine, and becomes uptight and angry when he is put past his comfort level.  the story line of the show was to attract attention with the high amounts of drama, and to end the show Ryan presented a speech that gave closure to show that Ryan found valuable change within his 30 days with an added understanding and sympathy of how he views gay people. I don't believe ryan's views were actually changed at all. Ryan was in an environement were he was the minority based on his sexuality. ryan felt awkward and threatened in this environment, so he only changed to not become a target among the other gay people. Ryan did learn some more repsect, because he was able to at least able to put his beliefs aside to nod and smile along with the surrounding gay people.


mia cupidro said...

I disagree because I feel like the experience opened up his mind a little bit, not completely though. I feel like the at very end when he admitted to his roommate that he would be proud to be a soldier with him, that was a breaking point for Ryan and his beliefs, because after spending 30 consecutive days with someone who opened up their home to you it seems impossible to not be able to skew your views because of a personal connection.

Ben Luke said...

I also disagree that he only seemed to change his mind to not become a target. I think he began to understand how gays felt, always being targeted for being the minority and began to widen his views. Yes it was a tv show and probably wouldn't have aired if he didn't make a slight change, but I think the change was genuine.