Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Harlow's Experiments

The experiments that Harlow performed on the monkeys played a very influential part in the advancement of anthropology. He was able create a much better understanding of humans through these experiments, but they shouldn’t be repeated. They were cruel, unethical, and made it impossible for them to have a normal happy monkey life. Back then, there weren’t many rules and regulations that come with performing an experiment, but if Harlow’s experiments were to be repeated today I think they would never pass the numerous laws that exist to protect animal rights. Animal protection organizations, such as PETA, would never let another animal face the emotional torture that those monkeys were put through. The experiments were a major discovery in anthropology, but they were unethical and should not be repeated.

1 comment:

Paige Smaha said...

I completely agree with what you had to say. Although the experiment led us to advancments in anthropology, there is no need to repeat it a second time because we will most likely receive the same results. Animals have feelings too and to put them in these types of situations is not right and animal rights associations would put up a big fight if it was repeated.