Sunday, April 8, 2012


I think the Machiguenga are most similar to American culture for the following reasons. Their family structures are like ours because they value their family and they are monogamous. They also utilize medicine for their illnesses. They teach their children useful skills that are important for survival much like how Americans take care of their children and make sure they are well off. Both cultures also go to school to be educated to further ensure success.


Kira H. said...

I agree with this post. Machiguenga culture is the most similar to American culture, but it is still very different. I like how they are trying to learn Spanish in order to communicate with the world. I found it horrible how the women were mistreated in Yanomamo culture and I liked how they were more respected in Machiguenga society. It's important to recognize their differences though. They are very unique and it is important to learn about them.

Ahnna Yoo :) said...

I agree with Paige, the Machiguengas value their families. The use of medicine to heal is also similar to American culture.