Monday, April 30, 2012

Gender Norms

 I think norms are controlling in society, but I think the mind itself is more controlling because if the norms were solely controlling then David would have been playing with dolls, because he "looked like a girl and that's what girls do." But his mind was telling him that he actually wanted to play with trucks and airplanes despite what he "should be doing, as a "girl"". That also has me come to the conclusion that I think our minds/genetics hold a lot more than what has been learned in science and really you can't change nature; despite the surgeries, and medicine, you'll always know in your mind your real gender, & I think to some extent it will always "nag" at you. -Like it nagged at David.

1 comment:

tiffanytufts said...

I agree, I don't think you can change someones gender just by telling them to change. It is wired much deeper than just belief. Males and Females are genetically different and that cannot fully be changed.