Sunday, April 8, 2012


I think the Machiguenga is the culture most similar to American culture out of the three cultures we learned about. I think of the three the Machiguenga have the most similar values to Americans. The people show respect to each other and have morals like most Americans. Also, they are very family oriented which I think is prominent in the U.S. People get married and start families and those relationships are the ones that are usually the most important ones in their lives just like with the Machiguenga. Both cultures use the land to the best of their advantage although the Machiguenga are much less wasteful than Americans.


melissahamby said...

I agree with you and think the Machiguenga are most similar to our culture. Mostly with family dynamics. However, how they and us show respect to one another is also a good point you brought up.

Kara Kirchner said...

I agree that we both use our land to the best of our ability. Americans farm and hunt to get food, though we do waste a lot more than they do. The Machiguenga also farm and hunt, but only what they absolutely need.