Sunday, April 8, 2012


From the three cultures I studied in class, I think the Machiguenga are most similar to American culture. The Machiguenga get food similar to Americans by using what is around them. Their marriages are as committed to each other as American culture. Both cultures have school in their society. They have medicine they use to get healed from illness. The Machiguenga respect each other similar to American culture. In their families, their structure is the same as American culture by having the mom, dad, son, or daughter live together in the same hut. Their belief in religion they both have.

1 comment:

Rob F said...

Are the Machiguenga really s similar? They don't get food the same ways as Americans at all. We get food from the grocery store. They hunt and gather.
Are U.S. marriages really as committed as we want them to be, as there are a lot of divorces.
The Machiguenga are going to school, because their civilization may some day be obliterated. We go to school enable to get good jobs.