Monday, April 30, 2012


I live in a nuclear family with my mother, father, and sister. We are paleolocal because live near my dad's mom and we live in an egalitarian family authority because my parents share the power.

Gender Norms

 I think norms are controlling in society, but I think the mind itself is more controlling because if the norms were solely controlling then David would have been playing with dolls, because he "looked like a girl and that's what girls do." But his mind was telling him that he actually wanted to play with trucks and airplanes despite what he "should be doing, as a "girl"". That also has me come to the conclusion that I think our minds/genetics hold a lot more than what has been learned in science and really you can't change nature; despite the surgeries, and medicine, you'll always know in your mind your real gender, & I think to some extent it will always "nag" at you. -Like it nagged at David.

My family

My family is considered a nuclear family, even though I'm the only child living at home. It is a patriarchy because my dad makes the final decisions on things. But he respects my mom and therefore discusses things with her most of the time. Sometimes though, they make decisions individually if it needs an answer pronto. So there's sometimes a power shift. My dad's fam all lives in California so we are not a patrilocality family. We're really not matrilocality either because my mom's family is spread out and we only live close to her great aunt.

My Family

i live and egalitarian nuclear family because my parents share the power and it is just the imediate family in the house. We are a small group with only 3-4 people in the house at a time. And we live near neither of my grandparents.

My family

I live with a nuclear family., both my parents work. My dad works from home so he dose more of the home maker part, and my works out of the house so she seen more of the boss.  Both my parents are the car taker and the home provider.

Quarter 4, Week 5: Gender Norms

To what extent are gender norms a controlling force in our society?  Use specific examples to support your answer.

Sunday, April 29, 2012

i dont know what the blog is and im pretty sure i aleady defined what my family is so just so i get credit im going to write this blog and if we didnt have a blog somebody please inform me in class

Thursday, April 26, 2012

my family

I live with my nuclear family and we are a small group because there are four of us. We are neolocal because we don't live near either grandparent and we live in an egalitarian family authority because my parents share the power.

Monday, April 23, 2012

My family

I live with my nuclear family.  This consists of my dad, mom, and three sisters.  My parents share the authority in the house making us egalitarian.  They both have jobs and contribute to the family making their marriage dual earning.  We are neolocal because we live an equal distance away from my grandparents. 

Sunday, April 22, 2012

My Family

My nuclear family consists of my mom, dad, brother, sister and me. We are a neolocal family in that my parents moved to St. Louis when they were first married before eventually coming back to Illinois where their parents are. My family is an egalitarian family, with both parents having equal influence on a subject. My parents do not have a dual-earner marriage because my dad is the one who works while my mom stays home.

my fam

my family is patrilocal because we live near my dad's family, compared to my mom's side of the family who live in the south. Also my family is egalitarian because both my parents make decisions equally with eachother. I live just with my parents and siblings so we are also a neolocal family.


I live in a nuclear family with my parents.I would consider my family mostly egalitarian because both of my parents share the power they have and make decisions for the family. My family also lives closer to my mom's side of the family so that makes us matriarchal. Either way we still try and see enough of everyone. Family is super important to us.How ever i have some family back in Europe.


My family would be considered a single parent family. My mother is a widow, my dad past away when I was 8 years old. My family would also be a matriarchal family, because my mom holds most of the authority and makes the decisions in the house. We are bilocal because we live very close to my mom's. 

Fam Fam Fam

Most of the decisions and power lies within my father, but there is still a heavy influence of my mother behind my fathers decisions and my mother still makes many decisions independent of my father. to describe the power role in my family it is nuclear with an occasional shift in power to a patriarchal. My father makes most of the financial decisions because he is the main source of income and is a fundamental aspect to the family through his passive approach to subjects. while my mother is the core foundation to the family, supplying all the support for her children and husband to prosper; on an emotional, detail, and support level my mother is matriarchal to the family. My family lives equal distance from both sets of grandparents, so we are neolocal. 

My Family

I live with both my mom and dad. They both pretty much share the same authority, which makes them egalitarian. Although the majority of families around the world are patriarchal, I feel like every family should be egalitarian, because it's fair. My dad's parents live in Arkansas, and my mom's dad lives in a nursing home. So given the distance, my family is neolocal. I prefer neolocal living because I would honestly rather not live with my grandparents.


My nuclear family consists of me, my brother and my parents. My family is both egalitarian and dual earning, because both of my parents have an equal say in decisions and they both work. we live bilocaly because both my fathers and my mothers parents live relatively close.

My family

My family I guess is nuclear, but it's different from most, because my parents are divorced but I spend just about equal time with both. So when I'm with my mom we are matriarchal and when I'm with my dad we are patriarchal. Regardless of who I am with we are always neolocal, meaning we don't live with or necessarily near either parents side of the family, although they aren't too far. That is my family


I'm in a nuclear family with my parents, brother, and sister. My family is patriarchal because my dad supports us and makes almost all of the financial decisions. Everything is run by him before a decision is final. We're neolocal because we live an equal distance from both grandparents. 


I live in a nuclear family with my parents and my brother and sister are away at college. My grandparents live in Tennessee so my family is neolocal. My family is definitely egalitarian because my parents always talk to each other before making decisions.

my family

I live in a nuclear family with my parents, my sister, and my brother. I would consider my family mostly egalitarian because both of my parents share the power they have and make decisions for the family. Although I would say in some situations my dad has more control which would be patriarchal. Both my parents work so it’s a dual-earning marriage. My family is bilocal because my dad’s parents live in Boston while my mom’s parents live here in Illinois.


I live in a nuclear family with my parents and 3 siblings. We are primarily a neolocal family seeing as how my father's parents are deceased and my mother's mother lives in Florida and rarely keeps in contact. Before, we were a patrilocal family because my grandfather on my father's side lived in Arlington Heights after moving from the city. There is an egalitarian rule in our household as both parents must have a say in things.

My Family

My family of me, my parents, three sisters, and brother live in a nuclear family.  My parents are egalitarian because they both make important decisions.  We are matriarchal because we live closer to my mom's side of the family.  My family is bilocal because we live closer to my mom's parents.


My family is a nuclear family with just me and my parents. My family is a patriarchal family because my dad is the boss. Both my parents have jobs so they have a dual earning marriage. Also we are neolocal because we live far away from either of my grandparents.


I live in a nuclear family with my parents, my two sisters, and my brother.  My grandparents live in Florida, making my family neolocal.  When it comes to making important decisions, my family is an egalitarian family.  Also, my parents both work, making them a dual-earning marriage.


I live with my nuclear family.  I live mostly in an egalitarian family because my parents make decisions together and share the power evenly but sometimes my mom takes control over situations which would be considered a matriarchal family.  We are bilocal because we live very close to my mom's parents and farther away from my dad's.

Mi Familia

I live in a nuclear family of my mother and father and my two brothers. My dad's parents aren't living anymore and my mom's parents live in minnesota so that makes us neolocal. For the most part i live in an egalitarian family,  sometimes it can be a tad bit patiarchy though.

My Family

I live in a nuclear family. My household includes my mom, dad, older brother, and our three dogs. Our family is neolocal because both my mom and dad’s parents live back in Japan while we live here in America. My family is patriarchal when making important decisions. My dad has the final say in most things that happens in our family. But when my parents make decisions concerning my brother and I, they share an equal part, making our family egalitarian at times.


I live with my nuclear family. My family consists of my mom, dad, sister, and me. My family is matriarchal because my mom is the one to make all the decisions in our family. My mom's parents live in Florida and my dad's family lives about three hours away from us, almost in Wisconsin. So that makes my family neolocal.

Saturday, April 21, 2012


I live in a nuclear family (both parents and 2 younger brothers). Also my parents both make important decisions so that makes them egalitarian. My family also lives closer to my mom's side of the family so that makes us matriarchal.

My Family

The type of family I live in is a nuclear family. Currently, I live with my mother, my father, and two goldfishes. My family is run by egalitarian. Both of my parents decide important decisions for all members of my family. I live in a patrilocal since my parents live near my father's family. My parents live by hetrogamy to each other.
The family members that i live with are a nuclear family. I live with My older Brother, My sister, and both my mom and dad. But i do say that my family is matriarchal. Even though my grandparents on my dads side of the family does not live that far away from us, my grandparents on my moms side of the family live right down the street from us. My family has never lived far away from my grand parents just in case something happens so they decided to live close to both

Friday, April 20, 2012

My family

I live with my mom and little sister and that would make them my nuclear family. But I also use to live with my extended family befpre moving. My family is Matriarchal because my mom makes all the desicions around the house. We don't live near either of my dad's family or moms family so we are neolocal.
My house hold consists of only my nucular family. However, with my dad just getting a job in texas and my brother off at college i pretty much live in what seems to be a Matriarchy due too the fact that my mom is the only one around.Though it is just my mom and me my dad visits aboutevery other weekend and even though hes gone my parents sill form a strong Equalitarian family. My family is neolocal however we have lived most of our lives live fairly close to some family. At home my family is very relaxed and we often times dont fit many of the typical family norms such as eating at the dinner table with family.

My Family

My household is nuclear, I live with my mom, my dad, and my younger brother and sister. My house is located closest to my mom's parents house making us matriocal. But that is only by coincidence. We have lived in other states far away from all family in the past. My family prefers to be typically neolocal. My share the role of parenting making them egalitarian. My mom and dad always talk before they make an important decision that effects us all. They both share equal duties anywhere from discipline, money, bills, transporting children, etc.

My Family

I live in a nuclear family with my parents and my little sister. In Korea we were a matriocality and lived near my grandmother on my mom's side and we're a lot closer to my mom's side of my family in general. But not I guess we're a neolocality because we live in a totally different country than the rest of my mom and dad's families. In our house now, I think we're an egalitarian since both my parents work, but sometimges my dad will have more authority on one thing while my mom would have authority over another thing. So it's basically neutral.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Classic 1950s parent roles

I love in a nuclear family with both parents and my siblings. I would say there is an egalitarian rule between the parents when it comes to who is boss in the family. My parents are however the picture of the classic stereotype spouses. My dad is the sole provider and my mom is a stay at home mother. So in some ways it is a patriarchy because my dad does handle all the finances. But in other ways it's a matriarchy because my mom is more the discipline parent while my dad is the fun one.
The institution that contributed the most to my socialization is my family. They have taught me a lot and they have taught me the basics of living. Goverment has impact me the least because I never really understood it and it's not a part of socialization.


I think I have a semi-nuclear family, in the way that I see my relatives every once in a while, but only my main family lives with me. My family is definitely a bilocality type of family, since my stepmom and dad dont make big decisions unless they come to an agreement. My family is very egalitarian since my parents share pretty much all the authority. all in all, my family is generally neolocal, since my dad doesn't live in the same town as my grandma, and my stepmoms mom lives in wisconsin, but we still see them semi often.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012


My family that I live with would be a nuclear family. I live with my mom, dad, and brother, Mark. I would say my family is matriarchal because my mom mostly runs the household. My dad does play a part but I would say she dictates more. They understand that parenting is important for both the husband and wife to participate in. While we do live closer to my dad's family than my mom's, I would still say my family practices neolocality because we did not have to live somewhere in particular. My parents have a dual-earner marriage and while my mom brings in most of the money, my dad does contribute.

My Family

I would describe my family as a nuclear family. I think my family has bilocality characteristics, because we don't live near either my dad's or mom's family. Both of their families live in Park Ridge, about the same distance away from us. Also, neolocality applies to my family because we live apart from both sides. My family is also egalitarian because my parents share most of the authority. Sometimes it seems like patriarchal, and my father holds more authority, but he's just a little bit more strict. My parents make decisions together and also talk about things before they give my siblings and me an answer.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

My Family

My family would be considered a single-parent family. My parents are divorced and I live with my mom majority of the time. My family would also be a matriarchal family because my mom holds most of the authority and makes the decisions. I would also say my family is matrilocality because we live near my mom's side of the family. I am also very close to my extended family and I see them all the time! I think all families are unique and they don't need to fit the expectations of the "perfect american family."

Monday, April 16, 2012

My Family

My family would be considered a nuclear family. It would be considered a patriarchy as my dad does most of the large decision making. Also, we are very close with my extended family, which includes my cousins, aunts and uncles. Family gives me emotional support and care for me. I believe many American families are different. In the end, family is family, biological or not.


School has basically controlled my social life. The way I act, think, and talk seems to be because of interactions at school. My friends were all met basically at school. Going to school is a plus because it builds character and gets you out there to meet new people. If I stayed home I don't know how I would even turn out. I can't imagine what that girl on Oprah went through.

Quarter 4, Week 3: Your Family

Describe the type of family that you live in using at least 4 terms that were discussed in class.  For this week's assignment, you DO NOT need to comment on another student's post.


i think that religion has probably contributed the most in my life because the church is a big part of my life in a sense that most of my friends are from church and it has always been a place where i can be comfortable when i'm vulnerable. i would have to say that the government has contributed the least in my life because i donmt have any interest in polotics or any of that sort of thing.

Sunday, April 15, 2012


I feel that all social institutions have equal part take in my socialization, at first i thought that the government would be the one to stick out as the one institution to have the least effect, but as i started thinking about more and more I realized that at a family dinner we usually asks how everyones day was etc. then come up questions about church, then comes up economy and so touches base on everything, they are all interconnected. Im sure other people might feel differently but from my perspective i feel that its all the same in shaping a person.


My family has contributed the most to my socialization. they have taught me to be open, respectful and loving. When I was younger my family was who I was with the majority of the time so they have definitely made the most impact. I would say religion has had the least amount of impact on my socialization. My family isn't very religious .


The institution that contributed most to my socialization is school. I spend most of my time in school and school sports with friends. And friends in school are a lot more supportive than my family is. I would have to say government contributes the least to my socialization. Government doesn't have anything to do with socialization.


I would have to say the institution that contributed the most to my social behavior would have to be school. For the first point, I didn't really go to church when I was smaller and my family kept out of my social life for the most part. So most of my friends came from school. The social side of school taught me to be more polite and to be a better person


Education has contributed the most towards my socialization. At school I was able to see how all the other kids my age acted and then I followed suit. Constantly being in school for 7 hours a day with a bunch of kids my age made me realize how I should act in society. In school your always being put into different social situations and learning how to adapt. Religion taught me the least because the concepts behind it are already instilled into society; to be good, not steal or cheat, etc.


In my experience my family is the thing that has contributed to me being the person I am today. I have a very tight knit family and they have taught me basically everything I know. Whereas the Government has probably taught me nothing. I learned honesty and loyalty from my family not the Government. With all the corruption in our Government the only thing it had taught me is how not to be.

Family and Education

My family is probably the most prominent social factor that has shaped who I am. I see them every day and interact every day. So therefore I am not a feral child. My parents raised me and shaped who I am. Secondly I'd say my education has helped shape me. Not the learning process but who I've met along the way through school. Teachers and other students. Every person you meet can change your life.


The two institutions that contributed the most to my development are education and family. Both have taught me values, traditions, and social norms to uphold. For example if I would have been home-schooled and never experienced public education I feel like I would be a completely different person then who I am today, the same goes for growing up in a different family. Religion is the social institution that has the least effect on me because I am not very religious, and although I've been to church I feel like it has impacted me very little as a person.


I believe that education has socialized me the most. It is in school where I've met all of my friends and where I talk to the most people. You run into the most social problems with friends and learn how to properly respond to certain things. The one that has influenced me the least would probably be government. I have never talked to a government official and learned anything from them.


American culture is as unique as they come. However I would say that the Machiguenga are the most similar. They put a huge emphasis on family just like in America. They also are very aware of the effects they have on the forest and how to least leave an impact. Their family roles are similar as well with the parents teaching the kids most of the necessary life lessons.


Religion has contributed to my socialization the most. I grew up in a church so I've always kinda been around it. But I didn't go for a couple years because I wasn't into it anymore. Now that I am again, I've been able to see how much I can learn from not only the Bible but people at my church who have gone through crazy experiences and learned a lot from them. It also brings my parents and I a lot closer. The one that's contributed the least would probably have to be government.. I think it will be affecting me more in the future, and although I know a lot about politics, I've just started to pay attention to it and see how important it is to be informed.


I feel that my family has contributed the most to my socialization because they taught me values and morals that I use everyday. They have taught me most of the things I know more than anything else on the list. I think government has had the least amount of impact on my socialization because I am not involved with government so how could that have any effect on me? I have nothing to do with the government so it doesn't have anything to do with my socialization.


My biggest contributor to my socialization is my family. They have supported me by smiling at me when appropriate. Also, they have taught me basics of living such as wearing clothes and brushing my teeth. The least contributor to my socialization is economics. Economics has been changing, so I have been the same person. Currently, I am not changed by economics since I could be myself.


I think that my family has contributed most to my socialization. They have taught me the rules that I live by and the morals I follow throughout my life. I spend a lot of time with my family, and they support me more then anyone else. I think the have contributed more to my socailization because from to moment that I was born, my parents and family have been my most influential teachers.
I think both my family and education have contributed most to my socialization. My family support and love me. They have helped me with a lot of stuff. I also learned a lot from them.On the other hand, I think both economy and government are ones that least contribute because i don't really worry about that stuff, it doesn't interest me.


I definitely think education has contributed most to my socialization. I presume what is meant by the term education in this sense is not necessarily education itself but rather the educational environment that is given to us. Obviously, many of the friends I have made have been through attending the same school and the things I hear and notice in conversations among other persuades me to shut up and ignore some of the stupidity so that also has contributed. I also believe family is a close second in that sense. I think both economy and government are pretty equal in the least affecting seeing as how I have yet to have any involvement in both fields. I don't really know how one can at this age.


My family has been the biggest contributor. They have been around my whole life and I spend everyday with them. My parents have taught me morals and other important things needed to know for life. My sisters support me in anything. Overall out of all of the options my family has play the most important role.

Blog make up about anthropology

I think that out of all the different groups that we studied that the Macheguenga was the one most similar to the Americans. Its mostly because the respect shared between Males and Females in there everyday lives. Men and Women are a lot more equal in there and are world than in the Yanomama and !kung. Also they act more civilized torwards one another and family plays a huge role in both there lives.


In my personal opinion i think family has played a much bigger part in my life than anything in my life. I have learned out to care for people and have learned how to be a part of something bigger than myself. I also learn a little bit about responsability everyday. Expecially being the youngest and seeing my sibling grow up i know what to do and what not to do. But i think school is another thing that is huge in a lot of peoples lives. No matter if you like it or not, you learn a lot of essential skills that you need in this world to be succesful in this world. Goverment isnt a big deal because a lot of kids dont know anything about politics and government. And when you are young goverment doesnt play a huge role in your life and when it does you dont take care of it your parents do


My family has made me the person I am today they have shaped my morals and given me the viewpoints I have today. I think the social instituion that has had the least amount of affect on me would be the government beacuse they have not shaped my morals or viewpoints like my family has.

I dont know kinda

Reflection on this i believe family has the biggest impact on society. I learned the most from my family than anything else. The government has done nothing for any of us, they are just there to over see us and pretend like they matter.Family has taught me to be my own person , stand up for whats right and just do what makes you happy. There is nothing else in the world that could have the same affect. The government needs to just go away because they are useless.


The social institution that has contributed most to my socialization is my family. My parents are the ones who taught me morals and have showed me what to expect in life. They are the ones who raised me and helped shape my interests and viewpoints. Although school was a big part of my education my family also taught me many things that added to my socialization. The institution that has contributed the least to my socailization would be the government. Government has always been in my life and something I was taught about but the government itself has not made my viewpoints what they are today or determined how I live my daily life.


My family has contributed most to my socialization. They have had the greatest impact because I have spent my whole life with them. They have shaped me into the person I am today and I have no idea where I would be if they were not in my life. The institution that has contributed the least is government because I do not really pay that much attention to it, therefore it has not had a great impact on my life.


i accredit most of my socialization to my education. I think for most american kids they become socialized through their education because that's where they spend most of their time and meet and interact with new people.

Saturday, April 14, 2012


The social institution that has contributed most to my socialization is most definitely my family. This is because I have spent the most time with them and they contribute to my daily life. They have taught me key aspects for life and what is expected of me. The institution that contributed least would have to be the government. Although I do respect it and understand why it important, I do not believe it has shaped me as a person. While government is needed, I would still be the same person I am today if it did not exist.

Friday, April 13, 2012


Family has contributed the most to my socialization. While my friends and surroundings have also added on, with my family is where I grew up and I don’t think I would be the same person if I didn’t grow up with the members of my family. They made me into a functioning human to start. They also shaped my personality and interests to what they are today. Not to say I totally rely on them for all social norms because I don’t. My family isn’t that normal. The factor that least contributed is definitely government. I grew up knowing about politics to stay informed with what was going on in the world, but I dont think it made much of an effect on my life directly.


I think family has contributed most to my socialization. My parents divorce taught me a lot and was a huge part of my life. I am also really close to my family, and wouldn't be the same person without them.


I think family is the social institution that has made the biggest impact. I believe that your family has a very large impact on how someone will be when they grow up. Since you learn everything from your family, you will be very similar to them in the future. You learn to talk, how to act, and even form similar views as your family. Therefore, family has the impact on socialization.


For me, my socialization has been most dependent on school. I spend five days a week, eight hours a day, with the same people, in the same classrooms for 365 days. School is the place that I spend the majority of my time with, and at school I am surrounded by people who I've known for years. Through the things I learn, and the people I meet in school, I have become the person I am today. The values, the social skills, and behaviors that I've learned are mostly from my interactions with my classmates and teachers. The social institution that has contributed the least to my socialization is religion. This is mostly because I am not religious. For some people, religion m be a huge part of their lives, but for me it has contributed nothing to mine.

Thursday, April 12, 2012


I think that the Machuguenga are the closest to be similar to the American culture. Machuguengas are learning how to speak spanish to comunicate with others, just like in America people are now learning how to speak other languages because most of the people in America are from a different raices and they have to learn how to comunicate with each other. Also the Machuguengas care about their families and their pets just like we do.


I think school has contributed most to my own socialization and religion the least. Everyday I am around hundreds of kids which allows me to be more social rather than when I'm just at home with a few family members. I also get the chance to talk to different people which I normally wouldn't outside of school. School allows me to get a good education as well as meet a variety of people. Religion has contributed the least because I'm not really a religious person even though my family is catholic. Religion really hasn't made a huge impact on my life.


I think my family has contributed the most to my socialization and religion the least. From the time I was born, my parents have taught me the values, manners and behaviors that I respect and follow today. Though school/friends have made me more social, my family taught me how to treat others and such. Religion has contributed least to my socialization because I never felt like I was a part of church when I went and it never really got through to me.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012


I think that the Machiguenga are the most similar to American culture. They are peaceful and are not violent, just like us. They also care for family, that is one of the most important things in their life. That is how American culture is too, we care about our family. The Yanomamo are too violent and the !Kung dont even talk, they click to communicate. So the Machiguenga are the most similar.


I feel that school has contributed the most to my socialization only because i has allowed to meet people that i typically wouldnt and it also opened my eyes to see who you think truly are your friends and who you think are your friends. School is not only for educational purposes, it's also a place for kids to be social and get to know others.
The place that has contributed the least to my socialization is religion because i don't believe in religion.. so i never go anywhere that's religion related. so yea.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012


i think that the !kung people are most like americans because of their teasing and making fun of others. in america you see that kind of stuff all of the time. and we also eat a lot on holidays.

Quarter 4, Week 2: Socialization

Which social institution (government, religion, economy, education, and family) do you think has contributed most to your own socialization?  Which one has contributed least to your socialization?  Explain your answer.


I think the machiguenga are the culture more close to American culture. The machiguenga learn different thing to survived, The Muchiguenga hunt animals to survive its like Americans they know what to do to get food and to survive. Also the Machiguenga are learning other spanish to be able to comunicate better with the world. this is the same with the people in the United sates they are learning oter languages.

Most similar

I think the Kung! Are the most similar to American culture because of language, marriage, and sincerity. They speak a common language of sounds like we do, they also make their own clothes and trade them. They all band together to survive, and I think in a way, Americans do that as well.

Monday, April 9, 2012

American Culture

I think the Machiguenga are most similar To Americans. Family, religion and learning are important to them, as they are to most Americans. They are close to their families and they learn how to hunt and speak spanish. Most American families are close and go to some sort of school or learning place. The Yanomamo and !Kung have very different views than Americans for the most part.

American Culture

I think of the three cultures we learned about at school, the Machigeungas are the most similar to American culture. First of all, they value their families more so than the other groups and they thrive to learn more about the world outside their lives. The children go to school to learn Spanish so they can be more familiar with the outside world. The gender roles are also somewhat similar because they're all pretty much the same. The women aren't taken advantage of like the Yanomamos do. They also keep animals as pets like we do.


While all three culture had their similarities and differences to American culture, I do think that one stood out. Out of the three cultures we studied in class I believe that the Machiguenga are the most similar to American culture. Family is very important to their culture just like here. They are also learning to expand their education by learning Spanish and in America we are always looking for new knowledge to connect with the world. They also have more respect for the women in their culture than the Yanomamo society. I see the Machiguenga having very unique qualities but they are the most like American society.


I think the Machiguenga are most similar to our culture. The men have respect for the women in their culture and they wear the most clothing. They also have a religion that all of them abide by and they live most like us.

Sunday, April 8, 2012


I think that the Machieganga are the most similar to Americans. They seem to share the same values as us. They go to school to further their education and to widen their horizon. They also don't marry based on betrothment they do it out of love, much like out society. They also practice medicine like we do and do it in a similar way. All in all I think they are the most similar to us

American Culture

I think that in a way we are similar to all three cultures. In American culture, we are family oriented like the Machigeungas, we control pride like the !Kungs, and even sexism and violence exist like in Yanomamo culture. But I do think that we are most similar to the Machigeungas because our values line up with theirs the closest. They are learning to speak Spanish, showing that like us they are concerned about education for the next generation. Also, unlike the other two cultures, the Machigeungas are much more respectful with each other. Adults are seen as role models for the young, and women are not mistreated like in Yanomamo culture.


I think that out of the three cultures we studied, the Machiguenga culture is the most similar to American culture. They value each other and their families just as americans do. They go to school to learn spanish to better their education to help them in the future. In america, we do the exact same thing. We try to do as much as we can to prepare us for our future.


I think the Machiguengan people are most similar to Americans. they both use medicine to cure illnesses, they get married based off love it isn't arranged, they are very family oriented like Americans. We also share many of the same morals. The also teach their young at a young age just like Americans do.


I think the Machiguenga are most similar to American culture for the following reasons. Their family structures are like ours because they value their family and they are monogamous. They also utilize medicine for their illnesses. They teach their children useful skills that are important for survival much like how Americans take care of their children and make sure they are well off. Both cultures also go to school to be educated to further ensure success.

La Cultura!

I think the Machiguenga are most like American Culture. I think this because they are really family oriented, helping other generations of their family if needed, and a lot of Americans do that too. Also they teach their kids skills at a young age, like making a bow and arrow and Americans teach their kids stuff at a young age too.


I think the machiguenga culture is most similar to american culture for a few big reasons. One being that Machiguenga's have the families. They get married just like we do. Also, the way they use different resources is similar to ours. Obviously, there are many difference between us two but there are prominant similarities.

We are all one

The Machiguenga are most similar to American culture in my opinion. One reason being ,Machiguenga are very family orientated and they also live with their extended family. The also have pets they take care of, just like us. They also are very respectful of each other and are more civil than most. They also are civil in a way that they want to learn spanish to better themselves just like taking a language in school. Overall the Machignauenga have all the characteristics to us Americans.


In my opinion, the Machiguenga are most similar to American culture. I believe this because they have many similar beliefs and values. For instance, the Machiguenga really value their family. Specifically, they keep well in touch with their extended family. Also, the Machiguenga have some similarities with their way of life in comparison with American culture. This is shown in their way of getting food, such as hunting as Americans do and eating animals for food.


I think the Machiguenga is the culture most similar to American culture out of the three cultures we learned about. I think of the three the Machiguenga have the most similar values to Americans. The people show respect to each other and have morals like most Americans. Also, they are very family oriented which I think is prominent in the U.S. People get married and start families and those relationships are the ones that are usually the most important ones in their lives just like with the Machiguenga. Both cultures use the land to the best of their advantage although the Machiguenga are much less wasteful than Americans.


I think the Machiguenga is the most similar to American culture. The people we live with is most similar because some people do live with their extended family along with their mom, dad, brother, and sister. People now live with their grandparents if for some reason they can't live on their own anymore. We also both go to school to learn. And we know that medicine will cure some of our illnesses if we use them correctly.


From the three cultures I studied in class, I think the Machiguenga are most similar to American culture. The Machiguenga get food similar to Americans by using what is around them. Their marriages are as committed to each other as American culture. Both cultures have school in their society. They have medicine they use to get healed from illness. The Machiguenga respect each other similar to American culture. In their families, their structure is the same as American culture by having the mom, dad, son, or daughter live together in the same hut. Their belief in religion they both have.

Saturday, April 7, 2012


I think the Machigeunga are the most similar to American Culture. The Machigeunga are very family orientated and they also live with their extended family. I think that Americans as a whole are very family oriented and also some families live with their extended family members. The Machigeunga also have pets that they take care of. In American culture many families have pets that they take care of.


I think the !Kung are most similar to American culture. Although they speak in click language, there are many various forms of it. This is similar to how Americans have varied accents in different places. They also are pretty open to foreigners that want to know more about their culture and are open to new ways. This is why they have a version of Christmas. They also seem to joke around and be sarcastic to those that present themselves with great pride. I believe Americans tend to do this as well. Not very well, but nonetheless.


Out of all of the three cultures that we have studied in class i believe the !Kung related closest with american culture. my first reason is the !kung has had more cultural diffusion in their society. this has caused them to celebrate holidays and have a small conection with the outside world as oppose to other cultures like the yanomamo. Another way i would say their culture is similar is their likly hood to take down errogance and power. This is much like us in that if someone gains great power they will always be scrutinized and under constant media harrasment.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012


In my opinion I believe the Yanomamo culture is similar is some aspects to our american culture. First, they are very sexist and all men believe they are superior. In some cases here, the american culture can act the same way. Overall, both cultures seem to be similar in a way that they both have adapted to their surroundings well. We have relied on technology for a long time now. They on the other hand have used their surrounding to their advantage in finding food, shelter, and many other resources.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Intelligent Design

I think that it is fair to say that Intelligent Design is not science. It has no tangible evidence to back it up and prove it as scientific fact. The basis of Intelligent Design is in religion and not science and therefore is not widely accepted by the scientific community as a whole. And if the general scientific community doesn't accept it, that pretty much says it all. Intelligent Design is not science, and is in fact a weak compromise between Evolution and Creationism.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

i dont have to talk finals yay:) American Culture

If someone were to study Fremd's culture and assume it was the same culture of all Americans then they would probably hate America. They would see cliques, wealth, disrespect, cockiness and many other things. The person studying would think we are all self centered assholes who segregate themselves by race or gender or social status and flaunt around their parents money like they actually earned themselves.

Quarter 4, Week 1: Cultures

Of the three cultures that we have studied in class, the Yanomamo, Machigeunga, and !Kung, which do you think is the most similar to American culture?  Use specific examples to explain your answer.