Sunday, April 8, 2012

American Culture

I think that in a way we are similar to all three cultures. In American culture, we are family oriented like the Machigeungas, we control pride like the !Kungs, and even sexism and violence exist like in Yanomamo culture. But I do think that we are most similar to the Machigeungas because our values line up with theirs the closest. They are learning to speak Spanish, showing that like us they are concerned about education for the next generation. Also, unlike the other two cultures, the Machigeungas are much more respectful with each other. Adults are seen as role models for the young, and women are not mistreated like in Yanomamo culture.

1 comment:

Ryan Woodman said...

This is a very interesting point, but I do think that the kung are the most similar overall.