Sunday, April 8, 2012


I think that out of the three cultures we studied, the Machiguenga culture is the most similar to American culture. They value each other and their families just as americans do. They go to school to learn spanish to better their education to help them in the future. In america, we do the exact same thing. We try to do as much as we can to prepare us for our future.


mayu sugikawa:) said...

I agree that the fact that they care about furthering their education is very similar to our culture.

Peter Lannon said...

I agree with Elizabeth that the Machieganga are most similar to us. The way they go to school and educate their people is what stands out the most. It is very similar to why we do

Janelle Schneider said...

I agree. The idea that they even have an idea of education i think is what ties them so closely to our culture.

Jack Finis said...

I agree with the evidence given. We Americans value our families very much, as do the machiguenga. Also, in our minds, the future is what we look forward to and all our acts are to simply better it and our current lives.