Sunday, April 15, 2012

I dont know kinda

Reflection on this i believe family has the biggest impact on society. I learned the most from my family than anything else. The government has done nothing for any of us, they are just there to over see us and pretend like they matter.Family has taught me to be my own person , stand up for whats right and just do what makes you happy. There is nothing else in the world that could have the same affect. The government needs to just go away because they are useless.


Dylan Hanson said...

I agree with what you said but in my opinion the government is not useless it helps provide structure to this crazy world we live in. I mean they provide schooling (publicly) and as much as we hate them they put the police in place that help keep this world in order.

Dylan Hanson said...

I agree with what you said but in my opinion the government is not useless it helps provide structure to this crazy world we live in. I mean they provide schooling (publicly) and as much as we hate them they put the police in place that help keep this world in order.

Danny Albers said...

i agree that family pretty much plays a role in everybodys life but i wouldnt go as far as to say that the goverment is useless. They stabalize a lot of things that the people of the united states alone would not be able to handle are selves