Sunday, April 1, 2012

Quarter 4, Week 1: Cultures

Of the three cultures that we have studied in class, the Yanomamo, Machigeunga, and !Kung, which do you think is the most similar to American culture?  Use specific examples to explain your answer.


tiffanytufts said...

I believe machuguenga culture is most similar to Americas because they are the most sensible and compassionate. They also keep animals as pets similar to humans. They are very family oriented too.

Rob F said...

The Machigeunga seem to have the most similar culture to Americans. They have a similar amount of respect for all life, and sensitivity to the feelings of others.

Lizzie Kapinos said...

I also agree that the Machigeunga are the most similar to American Culture. They are very family oriented and they also have pets which are similar to american culture.

Anna Aiello said...

I dont really think any of the tribes are similar to american culture but if i had to pick one i would say that the Machigeunga are the closest. They have similar social roles as we do and they also are the most friendly to the outside world.

Maria Alvarado said...

I also agree with rob the Machuguenga are the closest to be similar to the American culture. Family is very important in their culture just like in the America culture.

VirginiaPedrosa:] said...

Machiguenga tribe is more alike to american culture because animals play a big role in there lives, i think that like the american culture loves animals. Almost every home in america has a pet. :)

Alanna said...

I agree the Machugrnga is more like the american family. They show of roles of the parents being the providers. Also they keep pets, like most americans.