Thursday, April 12, 2012


I think my family has contributed the most to my socialization and religion the least. From the time I was born, my parents have taught me the values, manners and behaviors that I respect and follow today. Though school/friends have made me more social, my family taught me how to treat others and such. Religion has contributed least to my socialization because I never felt like I was a part of church when I went and it never really got through to me.


Lizzie Kapinos said...

I agree with kara that religion has contributed least. I'm not really a religious person and religion hasn't made a huge impact in my life

Alanna said...

I agree with Lizzie and Kara my family's been more of an impact in my life then religin.

Austin Smock said...

I agree, family plays the biggest role in how our lives play out. Family is the largest provider of values as you grow up. along with that i also have been relatively untouched by religion socialization.