Friday, April 13, 2012


Family has contributed the most to my socialization. While my friends and surroundings have also added on, with my family is where I grew up and I don’t think I would be the same person if I didn’t grow up with the members of my family. They made me into a functioning human to start. They also shaped my personality and interests to what they are today. Not to say I totally rely on them for all social norms because I don’t. My family isn’t that normal. The factor that least contributed is definitely government. I grew up knowing about politics to stay informed with what was going on in the world, but I dont think it made much of an effect on my life directly.

1 comment:

Kira H. said...

I agree with this comment that family shaped me the most. You spend your whole childhood at the foot of your family, learning and absorbing what they teach you. Government simply does not have the same influence in my life. My family has made me the person I am. Without them I could be a completely different person, but without government I'm almost sure I would still be the same. Influence comes from the people who you spend the most time with, and that would be your family.