Thursday, December 8, 2011


I think this wasn't a bad move on his part. We all hate to see dropouts like this. Personally, with all the commotion about his affairs, I'm sure it was all too much for him to handle. As for the money, that decision lay in his hands. I'm sure he will distribute it the right way. Sorry bud:/


Cinnamon Porter said...

But don't you think it would've been better for him to just dropout completely? he's obviously a complete phony so why should he be our president? And I highly doubt he'll distribute that money to a good cause or even his fellow Republican running mates.

Will Lazzar said...

I agree. Cain has the media all over him. Doing what he did was a smart decision. I probably would have done the same thing if i was in his situation. Hes not dumb. He knows what hes doing.