Thursday, December 8, 2011

Hermain Cain

I think Herman Cain made the right decision my suspending his campaign. He knows he is not exactly seen as a trustworthy guy in the publics eye right now. What he needs to do is gain the peoples trust back. There are a few things he can do in order to do this. I think his best bet is to donate his money that has been fundraising to another candidate that he supports. This is because the public may look at him differently after he does does this and respect his decision. He knew he wouldn't win with all these rumors, but if he truly believed his political ideas would be best for America, by supporting a candidate with similar views, it would show he has Americas best interest in mind. This would benefit Cain if he was ever planning on being selected as Vice President, a cabinet member, or even re-election.


Lizzie Kapinos said...

I agree with rachel and i think he needs to gain trust back from the public. I also think it would be a wise choice on his part to donate his money to another candidate. The media really had a negative effect on his campaign :/

katie sharp said...

I think Rachels right. Like it would show a lot from Herman if he donated the money to someone with similar views because it would show good cooperation. That could definitely help him if he wanted to stay in politics or even get deeper into it.