Sunday, December 4, 2011

I believe that it is a civil right issue. Denying someone the opportunity for equal chance of success based off their condition is horrible. These men now have to deal with the fact that they have a life threatening virus as well as the fact that they are being denied job opportunities. The companies do not have the right to deny them of their rights; it's one big contradiction. China needs to consider how they are limiting these men's civil rights and make a change. Without an income these men will not be able to pay for treatment and further prevention of the virus, they need the job for survival.


mayu sugikawa:) said...

I definitely agree with you. These men already have a hard time just surviving day by day. If we refuse them a source of income to get medicine and the proper healthcare, we are basically denying them a chance to survive. It is wrong to take away someone's chance to live.

Brian Ciardiello said...

i agree with you to kira. This is discriminatory to judge people by this disease. They are perfectly qualified and can do just as good of a job as anyone else. They need this job to pay for treatment and now they won't have that oppurtuity. They will be forced to take a worse job with less pay. This is a civil rights issue and someone should step in and help people like this.

Quinton rexananoumus bley said...

This just might be the government of china's way of implementing the darwinism theory, the strongest will survive, onto their citizens. Chinese society is ruthless and this might be a way for them to think that they are creating a stronger nation by eliminating the weak.