Sunday, December 4, 2011

Uneducated people= civil rights issues

It's definitely a civil rights issue. The Chinese citizens are being denied jobs because they have a disease they have. It's discrimination. People are ignorant in China and don't fully understand the disease and that they can't get infected unless they have sexual contact or contact with an infected person's blood. The Chinese government needs to have more programs on educating the people of China on what the disease really is. The fact that people with HIV are being turned away at a hospital really emphasizes how uneducated people are in China about the disease. Even the medical staff in China doesn't understand the disease.

1 comment:

andyk920 said...

i don't necessarily think that all people in china are ignorant but the people that are in the civil service sector are. They should just remake the laws or something. And most medicals staffs in the world do not fully understand HIV. They just are discriminating against them not being ignorant.