Sunday, September 18, 2011

8th amendment

I think the 8th amendment is wrong. I belive that it gives people who did somthing truly crule out easy. I think a true punshmint would be to make the personer sit in a jail for the rest of his/her life and think about what they have done. They should have feel guilty for what they did and not get off by just dieing. I also feel that if this was the way to go then if persners are falsely accussed then they will still be a live to be set free an they wont just be another dead incont preson who did nothing wrond to dersve death. So i think the 8th amendment should be changed to somthing less dratice.

1 comment:

Maria Dirkes said...

I agree, someone sitting in jail for the rest of their life having to live with what they did would be as goos as the death penalty.