Sunday, September 25, 2011

Electoral College

I think the electoral college helps us in choosing U.S officials. We've had the electoral college for a long time now and we haven't had any problems with it that we're big enough to question whether we should get rid of it. Some voters that vote aren't very educated on who they're actually voting for so they just vote for a random representative. If that was the case and we didn't have the electoral college, somebody that shouldn't have been elected could be elected,
and who knows what would happen to the U.S.

1 comment:

mayu sugikawa:) said...

I agree. A lot of people who vote aren't educated on what is best for the country. When we first started learning about the Consitution, I sadly realized how little I knew about our government. I know that if I vote next election, I wouldn't have a clue on who is best suited to run our nation...