Thursday, September 29, 2011

Going Green

In the political party system democrats and republicans run the show. Because of this americans areused too a two party system between democrats and republicans. However many people follow third party canidates like the libertarian party or the green party. In my oppinion the green party stands the best chance out of all the other small parties in getting one of their canidates as an elected official. I say this beecause in the future americans will have an even higher demand for green enviornmental technology.That being said the green party also already has a large amount of voters that often take votes from the big parties.


Brian Ciardiello said...

I agree that the green party would attract many people. There are many people that care about the enviornment and would vote for a candidate in this party. Especially now with oil running out, it would be a good time for a candidate in this party. I think with a party like this in office they will spend more time on finding a new energy source. They will also discover it a lot quicker than if a republican or democrat were in office. I think in the future this party will get the most votes out of a 3rd party candidate.

katie sharp said...

I agree with this. I also chose the same party. Although, I'm not insane about recycling and 'going green,' all that jazz.. I think a alot of people in this country are. Plus there's more to the party than just environmental aspects.

Ben Luke said...

I agree with you Austin. The Green Party is going to gain more voters as people try to be more environmentally friendly. And like you said they are the party that takes the most votes away from the big 2. I think they will have more Reps and Senators soon, and maybe a major Presidential candidate.