Sunday, September 18, 2011

Cruel and Unusual Punishment

I think what makes the eighth amendment a creul and unusual punishment is when the punishment does not match the bad deed done. Creul and unusual punishment is being excuted because one stole a Kit Kat bar from a store such as Walmart. The Kit Kat bar is not opened and in mint condition when given back to the store. I would say the eighth amendment is necessary in our legal system because this helps save lives of others that deserve to be free. Deserving to be free would be suspects who were not involved in the bad crime at all. No eighth amendment would be harmful because justice would not be given to citizens who are seen as criminals and suspects. Without the eighth amendment, citizens of the United States could be hurt for no reason. The eighth amendment is well said because creul and unusual describe the wrong punishment. From this, the eighth amendment is suitable to be followed since punishing someone who did nothing bad is painful.

1 comment:

mayu sugikawa:) said...

I agree. I definitely think that a punishment needs to fit the crime that was done. But I also believe in the saying "an eye for an eye makes the whole world blind". We can't just take someone's Kit Kat bar because they stole a Kit Kat bar, or run someone over because they hit someone with their car. There are a lot of things that we have to consider and look at before we give out a punishment, such as was it an accident? was it intentional? and would it happen again? As we look at all the conditions that led up to crime, the punishments that we give will begin to change.