Sunday, September 25, 2011

The Electoral College

I think the electoral college is very important to the United States. The electoral college makes sure someone with good intentions and political knowledge is running our country rather than somebody who could potentially hurt us. So far there hasn't been a time where the electoral college has gotten in the way or ruined an election so I don't see why we should get rid of them. Having people there to make sure the president chosen is the correct choice is better than choosing someone who does more harm than good for the country because nobody was there to choose differently.

1 comment:

Kira H. said...

I agree with what you said. The electoral college hasn't had any major issues so why not just let it be? It keeps the country safe from having someone crazy as a president. If Mickey Mouse is the number one write in candidate for president, America clearly still needs the electoral college. It prevents us from having a disaster of a president. Just because it's complicated does not mean it's bad.