Thursday, October 13, 2011

Campaign Finance

I think the amount of money that is being used in the Presidential campaigns is totally unnecessary. People are spending hundreds of dollars to support a candidate that might not even win the election, and when they lose, that money just goes to waste. I think this is wrong when there are so many other things we could do with this amount of money, like fix the economy or help out third world countries. I think the government should regulate the amount of money going into campaigns more in order to keep it from getting to a high amount like $1 billion. I think all this money going into elections causes it to be more about money rather than politics and the people, which is bad. For example, if one party is supported by the wealthy class then its easier for them to raise a lot more money, which could help them win the election in a bigger way.

1 comment:

Elizabeth Uhrich said...

I agree that the money spent on campaigns is a complete waste. It also effects the election because it healps the wealthy candidates. With the governmnet regulating it, it would help limit what people could contribute to candidates, but someone will find a loophole to get around any new law that is formed.