Thursday, October 13, 2011

Campaign Spending is a GOOD thing

If each presidential candidate raises $1 billion each then thats $2 billion back into the economy. The candidate raises money from his supporters and then spends it on his needs. This money is paying salaries for his staff. He buys flyers which in turn pays the company who makes them and they pay their workers for printing them. All the money they raise just goes back to other people and is good. His staff has jobs just because of the money he raises. I support his spending.


Dylan Hanson said...

I agree with you to some extent however i think you are trying to say and i could be wrong that what they are doing could boost the economy which it wouldnt. All it would do is give money to television companies and those people you said would get money for working for that party are very few compared to the entire u.s.

Brian Ciardiello said...

I agree with Dylan. This money is all going to television companies for advertising. Television companies are already rich and don't need all that extra money. If you want to boot the economy cut taxes. Each candidate should have a limit on how much they spend because it is getting out of control. This money can be used to help out the economy by starting new jobs.

Cinnamon Porter said...

I can't really agree with you. The people who make money off of campaign spending are probably the same people every year and they only represent less than 1% of the population. SO there really is no stimulation of the economy.