Sunday, October 16, 2011

Making Love To The Money

All this money going into campaigns is ridiculous, they project that next year's presidential election will be in the billions, which is sick. I just find it ironic that someone would spend so much money to become the most hated person in the world, but then again maybe its just karma for trying to win a presidential race in which both candidates try to see who can say the meanest things about one another on commercials, and then say they support that message. So do i think that the money being used right now is a waste of money? well lets just say this, it takes 5 dollars (at tops) to feed someone whose homeless, and it only takes a one dollar donation to any foundation to make a difference, from a source worth billions.

1 comment:

Kirill said...

i agree completely, a billion dollars for an election is ridicules. i understand there needs to be some money spending but at the rate that their going were going overboard.The man or women should win because of his/her beliefs not the amount of money they have.If the election could be won by money whats the point of voting. Especially feeding the homeless can be achieved so easily but instead we spend it on commercials. Now to me that doesn't sound right. Things need to change before we dig ourselves into a bigger hole.