Sunday, October 23, 2011

Wall Street Protests

I do not agree with the Wall Street protesters at all. I saw it first hand when I was in Minnesota two weeks ago. And while all of them where protesting against Wall Street and big cooperation's; I saw all of them fiddling around on their I-Pads, talking on their I-Phones, while drinking a cup of Starbucks coffee. They are a bunch of hypocrites. (in case one does not know, these two companies make a lot a lot of money.) I do agree with them that the current position of our country is in right now is a messed up one. But its also a messed up one because many of us now a days are lazy and have had things handed to us by our parents and other people who have had to work there asses to get to where they are now. Instead of whining and complaining about how messed up America is, why don't we as a whole, get together and actually do something to about it like getting a job instead of just standing around and protesting just for the fun of protesting. I did not ask them personally, but I bet if asked, 95% of those protesting have no clear idea why they are protesting. They are just angry. Don't be mad at the banks for making loans. That's what banks do. As Chris Rock said, "don't hate the player, hate the system." Don't be mad at the banks, be mad at government.
Last time I checked the news and all it was companies like Google, Starbucks, Apple and all the big name players that make tons of money that are doing hiring. So if they are willing to hire and create new jobs, how can they be all that bad?


Patrick Witt said...

I never realized how much hypocrisy there was in these protests. But I agree, people probably don't know exactly what they're protesting against. I read in some article that people who are putting blame on certain corporations are actually not helping at all. A protest is supposed to be where people simply don't agree with something. Attacking a company won't do much. It's almost as if the middle class is so separated that they can't seem to work together to rebuild and reshape the economy.

Aly Glover said...

I agree that there is a lot of hypocrisy in the protests, but I don't think that all of these protesters are lazy. Right now it is pretty hard to get a job nowadays. Especially if you have no past experience. I think companies need to be more willing to train people who haven't had any prior work experience instead of dismissing them. I'm not saying that there aren't people out there that haven't made an effort in finding a job cause I'm sure there are a lot, but I think people have given up hope on finding a company that is willing to hire.